“If builders built buildings the way programmers write programs, then the first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization” — Weinberg’s Second Law.
A collection of things that amused me.
Don’t ask why.
I believe you can tell a lot about a person from what amuses them, or sometimes, what doesn’t amuse them.
So – when I come across something that amuses me, this is where it goes.
Feel free to contact me if you think you’ve got something that might amuse me.
Any ideas? Got any good links? Think you’ve got something that should be included here? Let me know!
The stuff within has been sourced from the Internet and is believed to be public domain.
I hope these amuse you as they have me.
Visual Humour – Stuff that uses images to make you chuckle
< View a list of all images> <A Case in Communism: The Super Mario Story> <A collection of buttons> <A collection of emoticons> <A Cute Free Puppy> <A Dotty Illusion> <A Mosquito with a Helmet> <A teaser> <A very happy pussy and a not so happy pussy> <Adult Dog Store> <Alcohol Research> <Amazing hidden images> <An eminems drugs bust> <An illusion: Whom do you see?> <An unusual round illusion> <Ancient Japanese Proverb> <Angry Child> <Appearing Giraffe> <Are you colourblind? Find out here> <Athens Olympic Soccer Stadium> <Australian Banks> <Batman forced to downsize with increase in petrol prices> <Beware Falling Cows> <Bribing Santa Claus> <Costello’s reward for being loyal> <Cute Party Trick> <Dear Dog, I am so sorry…> <Easter Bunnies> <Ever gone into an exam having not studied at all? > <Ever wondered what your Lego characters do when you’re asleep?> <Everyone’s nightmare – root canal> <First Photo of Trapped Miners> <Graphic Jelly Orgy> <Holiday property for rent> <How dishwashing is really done> <How do you pay this fine?> <How to eat pussy> <I think you’re spending too much time on the computer…> <If Spiderman was a gay night-clubber…> <Illusional images> <Is it Twelve or Thirteen?> <I’m not worried about this Bird Flu…> <Just doing a spot check…> <Kermit sees the doctor> <Label Instructions> <Lesson of the Day> <Martha Stewart has been sentenced to five months in jail…> <McDonald’s reaches Africa> <Michael Jackson’s Dog> <Money – worth so much> <Penguin falls on ice> <Police Station Toilet Stolen> <Problem Solving Flowchart> <Proof that not knowing everything is the best way to go> <Remote controls for the real world> <Save Paper> <Simple Eye Examination Test> <Six Die in Horror Smash> <Steady Hand – A Game of Skill> <Tested Positive for Coke> <The Angry/Calm Illusion> <The Cockroaches are getting Cancer> <The Lift – A picture story> <Vegetative State> <Wait!> <What Animals Dream…> <What happened to the MAD Magazine Boy?> <What is a sonofab*tch, exactly?> <What to say when the police come> <What’s the main reason for motorbike accidents in Jamaica?> <When you first left, I missed you badly…> <Will Be President For Food>
Geek Images – Images that geeks giggle over
<A Macintosh user’s perspective> <All Your Base Are Belong To Us> <Amusing keyboards> <Back-Up> <Blackboard> <Donald Duck wants Voice> <Mac Upgrade> <Slashdot for Dummies> <Tales for the L33T – Hamlet> <Tales for the L33T – Romeo+Juliet> <Technology for Country Folk> <The Matrix – IRC Style> <Using AOL? Mind if we LOL?> <Where do you want to go today?>
Geek Humour – Stuff geeks giggle about
<101 things you do not want your system administrator to say> <A CyberSex HowNotTo> <Amusing anecdotes from the world of IRC> <Amusing Error 404 Pages> <Amusing unix commands> <Cars and Computers> <Dear Tech Support…> <Declaration of a Software Professional> <Diary of an AOL luser> <EUNUCH Programmer’s Manual – CONDOM(1)> <Google – in a few interesting languages> <How to please your IT department> <If Beer was like Operating Systems…> <If Dr Seuss Was A Technical Writer> <Microsoft Lightbulb Jokes> <Operating System Airlines> <RTFM – Read the f****** manual> <Star Trek TNG Meets Microsoft> <The famous Microsoft car analogy> <The latest and greatest…> <The truth about networks> <What if the Beatles had been computer freaks?> <What would robots from 1960’s…> <What you always wanted to know about computers> <Your computer is broadcasting your IP…>
Sexist Stuff – Because men and women are different
<A Beer Before It Starts> <A very attractive blonde woman arrived at a Vegas casino…> <A Woman’s Wish with a Moral> <A young brunette goes to the doctor… > <Aussie Men – Booze Struggle> <Australian Mateship amongst Men and Women> <Barbecue Etiquette> <Before and after marriage…> <Blonde Geometry> <Breasts…> <Celibacy> <Damn Women Drivers> <Evening Classes for Men> <Every man’s dream woman> <For redheads> <Girl’s and Boy’s diaries> <Hazardous Materials Data Sheet – Woman> <How to Change your Oil> <Interesting ATM> <Iron Man Competition> <Irresistible to Women> <Job Application> <Mars vs. Venus, an example> <Men are…> <Men vs Women – Men and Women compared> <Men’s Rules – at last> <Never Argue with a Woman> <New seatbelt design: 45% less car accidents!> <No wonder men are happier> <Please tell your Boobs to quit staring…> <Pregnancy & Women: Frequently Asked Questions> <Temptation – By a soon to be married man> <Ten things men know about women> <The CIA had an opening for an assassin> <The difference between men and women> <The Evolution of Man and Woman> <The perfect riddle> <What to do when you’re locked inside your car…> <Why men die before women> <Why women live longer than men> <Winter Classes for Men> <Words Women Use>
Racist Stuff – Because not everyone is as good as us
<A Letter to America> <Abbott And Costello Go To Washington > <Aboriginal Eggs> <Aboriginal Jobs> <American History 101> <An Irish daughter had not been to her parent's house for over five years…> <An Ontarian wanted to become a Newfie…> <Bacon Tree> <Ferrari sack pit crew> <George Bush talks to the queen> <Hebrew Cave Paintings> <Irish pets and their pastimes> <Kiwi Pig Sheep> <Only in America…> <Text of a letter from a kid from Eromanga to Mum and Dad> <The Original Story of the Ant and the Grasshopper> <Tragedy in New Zealand> <What happens when the kiwis run out of condoms…> <When an irishman sells a car…>
Risqué Stuff – Because sometimes it’s just funny
<An Aussie Taxidermist in New Zealand> <How many mice does it take to screw in a lightbulb? > <How to avoid the war> <Premature Anonymous> <Santa’s stressful Christmas> <Sisters of St. Francis> <Test your subconscious> <The Boss’s Quandary> <The Dangers of Masturbation> <The Lone Ranger was ambushed…> <When Jane met Tarzan…> <“Hi honey. This is Daddy. Is Mummy near the phone?”>
Other Humour – Stuff that didn’t fit anywhere else
<100 Guidelines on Becoming an Evil Villain > <A collection of amusing quotes> <A middle-aged woman decides to have a facelift…> <A recent Australian Court Ruling> <A True Australian Ghost Story> <American State Mottos> <An inexperienced Chilli Tester’s Tale> <An insight into the current Telstra Customer Service Experience> <Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy…> <Beer Troubleshooting Chart> <Better than a Flu Shot> <Blind Pilots> <Cats and Dogs: Through their diaries> <Don’t Copy if you Can’t Paste> <Dread Zeppelin> <Executive Test> <Exercise – Some Facts> <Fifteen things to do in the supermarket…> <Got to love drunk people> <Hearing Aids> <Helpful Hints> <How many forum posters does it take to change a light bulb?> <How to gain revenge on a mobile speed camera van> <How to get a day off work> <Idiots abound…> <Interesting Mergers> <Jam and butter… (Coarse Language)> <Keep Off the Grass> <Letter to a Mother / School Report> <Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year> <Mini Cooper versus Rolls Royce> <Moronic Email Scam> <Notice is hereby given…> <Ordering pizza in the year 2025> <Physical Fitness Statement> <Politically Correct Primer> <Psychiatric Answering Machine> <Reasons Why English is so Hard to Learn> <Rejection Response> <Road Rage with a moral> <Scientific breakthrough - Governmentium> <Sweet Justice in Australia> <The Atheist and the Bear> <The cow theory of government> <The Dead Rabbit> <The Fellowship of the Ring> <The History of the World, as written by the next generation> <The Hypnotist> <The Poodle and the Leopard> <The Pope is Busted> <The World’s Shortest Books> <Three Important Corporate Lessons> <Three Little Piggies> <Unique Talking Clock> <US Ship versus Canadian> <Very Effective Stress Management> <View all the comments left on this site> <Warped, Ridiculous News Headlines> <Why Parents Drink>
Short humour – Sharp and amusing
< ;-)> <A hunter walking through the jungle…> <A Love Story with a Happy Ending> <A man and his wife were arguing…> <A man took his wife to the Rodeo…> <A Short Story> <An IT student is walking along with his bike…> <At Heathrow Airport today…> <Doctor Bob had sex with one of his patients…> <Guts or Balls?> <Hillary Clinton goes to her doctor for a physical…> <How do you get a cat to bark like a dog?> <I shall seek and find you…> <Mickey mouse wanted a divorce…> <Monica walks into a dry cleaners…> <Nobody is perfect…> <Out of Breath> <Punctuation is powerful> <Secrets to a Happy Marriage > <What does an elephant do…>
Offsite humour – Stuff on other websites
<Chaser Non-Stop News Network> <For all those cat lovers out there> <Google’s Calculator Knows All> <How To Write Unmaintainable Code> <Murphy’s laws – the entire lot> <Sun develops something very dangerous – a sense of humour> <The Bastard Operator from Hell Official Archive> <The Brick Testament> <The English-to-12-Year-Old-AOLer Translator>
- 145,917 hits -
See also: What to do when you’re locked inside your car… (BlondeStar)