The Thei Diaries

These are copies of my Diary which I have been keeping on and off over the past few years. It is more a journal than a diary. Nothing very interesting has happened and I don't expect these to be of any interest to anyone, but should you wish to see what my life has been like during the past few years, these may help you gain an insight.

NOTE: These diaries depict real events involving real people. You are expressively forbidden to view these diaries in any way whatsoever. These diaries are the private intellectual property of myself, and as such must not be copied or viewed in any way.


The Diaries

February to September 2000
India - October to January 2000/2001 (under construction)
2001 February onwards
2002 and counting...

Note on Validation: The older diaries have not been validated, and may not comply with (X)HTML and/or CSS standards. All newer pages should comply.