Linda and Bill’s Ruby Wedding Anniversary

Friday 26th February
It was wetNight
I packed, drove to Woolworths, bought food, then drove to Mount Tamborine, through quite heavy rain and at least one potentially serious accident, found Bronwen, set up tent, and went to bed.
Just where the Gateway merges with the Freeway, there was some kind of multi-vehicle accident in the middle lane—I think there are seven or so lanes at that point—and driving along through the thick rain, seeing just the tail lights of the stopped vehicles in front, by the time I realised that they were stationary, it was too late to safely stop—given the water all over the road—and I had several large semi-trailers to the left, so had to merge right scarily sharply—fortunately not into anyone.
Saturday 27th February
Fire under RainBronwen and I spent a pleasant—albeit wet—day at Mount Tamborine, going for a bushwalk, swimming at the foot of a waterfall, eating fine foods…
The waterfall was quite nice. We started out for a walk to the waterfall, but rain—and me having my camera—forced us back. For our next attempt, I left my camera behind, and Bronwen, her Dad, and I walked through the bush, up the side of a rather steep mountain, and to a large treetop walk.
Our third attempt worked. We walked through the rain to the waterfall, which was looking very cold and forbidding—but was surprisingly… well, maybe not warm… but surprisingly less cold than it looked. It’s fun sitting at the bottom of a waterfall, trying to swim back into the rushing water.
The evening was a mixture of drinking, eating, and talking—with everyone doing a lot of each.
Sunday 28th February
Bronwen & Bronwen Hair-DancingDay
Another pleasant, albeit wet, day was had at Mount Tamborine.
The “official” part of the wedding anniversary was held—everything was ruby coloured, people ate cake, there was drinking and cheering, and reports of a possible tsunami destroying everyone who wasn’t with us on the side of a mountain.
The rain eased up a little, but not for long.
Bronwen and I drove back to Brisbane, once again through the rain. I dropped Bronwen at her place, went and saw her again later, and ended up at Maz’s, where I stayed up too late—as usual.