Friday 26th March - Hanging Rock Chalets


I spent uni doing uni things, and then went home after. Profound.


My train was supposed to leave at six o’clock. I was ten minutes early, but just as I was arriving at the station a train arrived. I ran for the train, just jumping aboard before it left, and without time to buy a ticket. I then stressed that the ticket gorillas would come along and eat me, but I managed to get safely to Beenleigh without being caught. It sort of disorientated me though, as my train was ten minutes early, or perhaps my watch was ten minutes slow, and when I went to buy my ticket at Beenleigh for the Gold Coast, the man behind the counter told me the train I’d just arrived on (and which had just departed) was the train I wanted. He was only joking, but coupled with the train mistiming it managed to confuse me. Ironically, the six o’clock train that I was supposed to have caught arrived ten minutes after I did, and just before the Gold Coast train left. The rest of the journey was unremarkable.


Robina station is quite large. I managed to get lost driving to the Hanging Rock Chalets.

Saturday 27th March - Relaxing

The View

Views out to the valley.

Views out to the valley. Getting on to dusk, with the sun going behind the clouds

My Chalet

Cool spiral staircase.

The lounge/dining area just looked straight out onto the valley. It got a bit hot in the afternoons.

The entrance to the cabin I stayed in. The whole place was redwood with green trim.

The upstairs bedroom, with views over the valley and to Mt Warning in the distance.

The deck, with beautiful valley and mountain views. From the deck you could hear the whipbirds and other wildlife. It was very peaceful.


I drove down to the shops and bought lots of goodies - ice-cream, nesquik, food and so on. I then had a relaxing day, chatting and not doing a great deal at all. I relaxed far from computers and online journals, making sure I didn’t think of all the assignments I had rapidly approaching, or the time I would lose going to Dale’s wedding.

Sunday 28th March - Relaxing


I had a very nice and relaxing day, which despite the fact that I slept for a large proportion of it, actually made me sleepier.

Monday 29th March - Duran & Tonya


I drove back to the Robina train station, where I caught the train to Beenleigh, and another from there back home.


Amazingly, just as I was walking into my street, I met Duran, who I haven’t seen since Cooktown. Apparently, he and his sister are living nearby. I then had a normal day at uni, where I did normal uni things and so forth. Once home again, I tried to book flights to and from Dale’s wedding. It’s remarkably difficult, and I also realised that my “Operating Systems” assignment, which is due on Tuesday next week, but has a twenty four hour early hand in bonus so is effectively due on Monday next week and which I haven’t yet started, will be due on Wednesday this week for me, as I’ll be away from Thursday onwards. This is not a good situation. After hours of working out times and deciding it was impossible, I finally managed to book flights down to Dale’s wedding, and a tentative train/flight combination back, after which I then collapsed into bed stressed.

Tonya has also moved in. When I got home from uni, there was a hired truck out the front, which had all her stuff in it. The entire place is full of stuff. I didn’t realise she’d have so much.