Friday 5th October – Govinda’s
I worked.
I drove home from work, then back in to town, and had dinner at Govinda’s. Unfortunately—while they did serve us this time—they said we can’t use our vouchers on Friday, which considering that’s pretty much the only time we can go, and we have another few vouchers, is not very good.
After dinner Bronwen rode her bike to her parents’ place, while I drove, and from there we went and got petrol, then went to the IGA to get some muffin ingredients for Maz, and then drove to Maz’s. While at Maz’s I found out that Natacha had got another lift (with Alexandra no less) to the Hare Krishna Farm (I had been planning to get up at six o’clock tomorrow to take her there), and Maz had already planned to go to Kondalilla Falls tomorrow with Chris, so Bronwen and I planned to get up early and go to Kondalilla Falls as well.
Saturday 6th October – Kondalilla Falls
Bronwen and I had planned to get up early, but it was nearly midday by the time we got out of bed.
We finally made it to Rosalie, only to find that Francy’s Patisserie had but a single veggie pasty, so Bronwen had a taco from the Burrito Bar while I had my traditional pasty, and then we drove up to Kondalilla Falls—getting there quite late. In fact, by the time we’d walked the short walk to the bottom of the falls, and then back to the rock pools at the top, the sun was starting to set. We bumped into Maz and Chris, who were just leaving, on our way down to the bottom of the falls. I didn’t swim because the water was distinguishable from ice only by texture, but Bronwen tried—getting nearly all the way to her naughty bits, before deciding it was a little nippy.
After our pleasant—though quite hot and sweaty—walk to the waterfall, we drove to Halim’s and had a curry for dinner.
Start time: 10/06/2012 14:30 Finish time: 10/06/2012 19:46 Distance: 216.1 km (04:34) Moving time: 03:18 Average speed: 47.2 km/h Avg. Speed Mov.: 65.4 km/h Max. Speed: 144.2 km/h Minimum altitude: -4 m Maximum altitude: 458 m Rise speed: 1445.1 m/h Fall speed: -1203 m/h Elevation gain: 1735 m Elevation loss: -1803 m Rise time: 01:12 Fall time: 01:29 Download KML/KMZ (Google Earth)
Sunday 7th October – Alexandria Bay, Noosa National Park
Unlike yesterday, Bronwen and I got up at a (relatively) normal time, and like yesterday, drove to Rosalie. Unlike yesterday, Rosalie’s main street was shut down—it was The Black Stump Animation Festival and Rosalie Street Fair. Fortunately, also unlike yesterday, Francy’s Patisserie had two veggie pasties, so both Bronwen and I had one.
After our breakfast and a quick look around the street fair, we drove to Noosa, found what I’m pretty sure was the very last available car park in Noosa National Park, and walked to Alexandria Bay. It was very hot—but a nice ocean breeze kept it bearable most of the way. We walked to the other end of Alexandria Bay, past all the nudists—naturists I mean—and then back to the relatively abandoned middle part of the beach, where I relaxed while Bronwen went for a swim and got chased by her shadow stingray.
After relaxing on the beach at Alexandria Bay for a while we walked back to the car park, sat and watched an amazingly golden sunset, and drove home—stopping at the Frenzy van for a Frenzy. A good fifteen years or so ago I used to go to Noosa to swim, and I’d get a Frenzy from what looks to me to be the same van, parked in exactly the same place. I had my traditional Jaffa Frenzy (they’re a soft serve ice cream made with a machine that smashes up anything hard you put in it and mixes it in with the soft serve), and it was good.
Bronwen made a lovely pasta and salad and we watched half an episode of Top Gear, before rushing off—Bronwen to her parents’ place, and me to Maz’s, via the IGA for an iced coffee.
Start time: 10/07/2012 11:19 Finish time: 10/07/2012 19:49 Distance: 297.4 km (06:32) Moving time: 05:20 Average speed: 45.4 km/h Avg. Speed Mov.: 55.7 km/h Max. Speed: 124.1 km/h Minimum altitude: -20 m Maximum altitude: 80 m Rise speed: 1143.7 m/h Fall speed: -704.2 m/h Elevation gain: 1305 m Elevation loss: -1228 m Rise time: 01:08 Fall time: 01:44 Download KML/KMZ (Google Earth)
Monday 8th October – Taken 2
I called in sick and didn’t go to work.
I awoke again, mildly perturbed to find that it was well into the afternoon.
Bronwen and I rushed to West End, where I got a milkshake and we ate kebabs from King Ahiram’s Lebanese Food. I almost ran into the back of a car that stopped suddenly on the way.
After dinner, we rushed to the South Bank Cineplex, and watched “Taken 2”. It was nearly exactly the same as “Taken”, except this time there was a “2” after the title. Still, it was as expected, so can’t complain.
Tuesday 9th October – Pizza
I worked.
Bronwen didn’t turn up until late, having gone climbing. When she did finally turn up, we had pizza for dinner.
Wednesday 10th October – Groceries
I worked.
Bronwen and I walked to Woolworths, bought groceries, walked home, and ate the groceries.
Thursday 11th October – Govinda’s
I drove to work. It began to rain a little.
I drove to Govinda’s and had lasagne. It began to rain quite heavily.
I drove to Kangaroo Point and parked, then walked to Govinda’s where I met Bronwen and we used another of her vouchers.
Friday 12th October – Working
I worked. I also found out Niall is leaving.
I had a quiet night at home.