Monday 13th October – Protein Supplements
I had a quiet day at home.
I drove into town to get Bronwen and head to the “Reclaim Dutton Park” event UQ Greens were putting on at Dutton Park—but it began to rain just after I got to town and they cancelled the event, then moved it to next week. So instead, we went to Coles and bought a ridiculous amount of protein supplements because they were marked down from $30 and $40 to $3 and $5. We then drove home and had a quiet dinner at home.
Tuesday 14th October – G20 Laws Community Session
I had a quiet morning.
Bronwen dropped me off in the city and I went to a G20 Laws Community Session put on by the Caxton Legal Centre’s Independent Legal Observer Project. It was interesting. There was a senior (supposedly off-duty) policeman there, so everyone who entered was warned before they said anything that police were present and that the event might be being recorded… which kind of set the mood. It was very legal—many questions were refused to be answered for reasons which weren’t clear to me, or would only be answered personally later.
Wednesday 15th October – Little Planets
Today we received a suspicious package in the mail…
It was addressed to Joe Blogs at our address.
Surprisingly, the bomb was not very effective, and Bronwen is still intact. It would appear she may have signed up for a sample with a fake name.
I also learnt how to make “little planets” (or top-down stereographic projections, to be technical about it), and took a stack of photos (9 to be precise) of the back yard with my Sigma 8mm lens (which I’ve never really been able to use for panoramas before as they’re always too hard to stitch), and made my first, not very good and somewhat faulty “little planet”.
Bronwen and I had dinner at Bronwen’s parents’ place.
Thursday 16th October – More Little Planets
Tried making a “little planet” again, this time inside. Apparently it’s hard without a proper tripod mounted pano-head. Anything too close suffer from terrible parallax errors, making it nearly impossible to stitch the images.
Walked to Woolies with Bronwen. Target is gone and being replaced with a Coles “in mid 2015” (assuming we survive Ebola and the G20)
Friday 17th October – Mt Coot-Tha Botanic Gardens
I drove to the Mt Coot-Tha Botanic Gardens to take some photos to try making some more “little planets”.
Bronwen and I went to the comedy at the powerhouse.
Saturday 18th October – Fair on the Green
Bronwen and I had Sizzler for breakfast/lunch, then drove to “Fair on the Green” at Gregory Park in Milton to take a few photos to try to make yet another “little planet”—this time to see if I could make one with Bronwen in it.
We drove to Bronwen’s parents’ place.