Monday 16th February
I worked.
Bronwen went to her acro-yoga, while I went home and was un-acrobatic.
Tuesday 17th February
Fifty Shades of Grey
I worked.
Fifty Shades of Grey
I drove from work to the cinema, meeting Bronwen there, and we watched “Fifty Shades of Grey”. I’m unsure what the infamous book is like—but nothing happens in the movie. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a movie before where nothing at all happens. I was expecting at least some mildly offensive perverse sexual scenes after the fuss everyone made about the book, but there’s nothing at all—less sexual scenes than your average action movie, less plot than trying to find something at one of the newly rearranged Woolworths, not even any explosions or witty banter, and certainly nothing thought provoking.
Though, as Marc Fennell (“That Movie Guy” on Triple J) said, “there is one thing Fifty Shades of Grey does scarily well: it hates women. At least it starts off that way. It goes out of its way to make Anastasia look weak. She literally falls over at one point from the sheer stupidity of being female.”
Wednesday 18th February
I drove in to work, but James was away sick so I didn’t have much work to do.
Thursday 19th February
I had a quiet morning at home.
I went to the dentist, which wasn’t much fun.
Bronwen and I went shopping at The Barracks Coles, and had a salad dinner at home, as part of our new “eat less processed foods” plan.
Friday 20th February
I had a quiet day at home. It rained a lot due to Cyclone Marcia.
I picked Bronwen up from South Bank (mostly using telepathy, because her phone was flat, and the only message I got was to pick her up from “the end of Little Cribb Street in South Bank”. Not only do the majority of roads in our dimension have two ends, but Little Cribb street is not even on the same side of the river as South Bank), and drove to West End where I had a cheap curry and a cheese and garlic naan for dinner.
Saturday 21st February
The cyclone which had been attacking the coast up north had turned into rain, so it rained solidly, as predicted. There was also lots of flooding predicted, so Bronwen and I went for a drive through Stones Corner to look for flooding. We found some, but it wasn’t especially big or scary. I then dropped Bronwen off at her parents’ place, and continued on to Sizzler, where I had Sizzler all by myself, which was a bit sad.
After Sizzler I drove back to Bronwen’s parents’ place, where we had dinner.
The rain has mostly stopped now.
Sunday 22nd February
Chinese New Year in Chinatown
Apparently it’s the year of the goat. Bronwen and I drove into Chinatown to have a look at a few celebrations they had on, which were pretty boring. For some reason, anything in Chinatown is always boring.
Other than that, we had a quiet day at home researching and bemoaning the fact that the right choice is never obvious, and there’s far too many options.
Bronwen and I had a quiet night at home, eating pasta.