Monday 18th August – Cupcakes & Anger


I caught the bus to work. There were cupcakes—and very fancy ones too.

A remarkably yellow cupcakeA remarkably yellow cupcake

Far too cute to eatFar too cute to eat


I was angry, because South Bank Cineplex had listed “The Expendables 3” as being in cinema 5 tonight (which was a little odd, as it was in Cinema 4 every other day), so I had planned to go see it—but just as I was arriving home on the bus Bronwen messaged me to tell me that she’d checked and it was now listed as being in cinema 4. Presumably they’d made a mistake in their movie timetable. For those who don’t know, cinema 5 has the largest screen in Brisbane, whereas cinema 4 is just normally large, so this was something to be angry about.

Tuesday 19th August – The Expendables 3


I drove to work.

The view walking back to my car from work. It seems it was rainbow bridge day.The view walking back to my car from work. It seems it was rainbow bridge day.


I drove to Bronwen’s parents’ place, and from there to Sing’s Asian Kitchen, where Bronwen and I had Thai for dinner while listening to the dilemmas and drama in the lives of all the girls sitting around us.

After dinner we drove to South Bank Cineplex and saw “The Expendables 3” in cinema 4.

The Expendables 3The Expendables 3

Wednesday 20th August – Working


I bussed to work, worked, then bussed home. Such is my life.


I had a quiet night at home.

Thursday 21st August – Still Sick


I again caught the bus to work. I’m still not feeling entirely right. I’m fairly sure I should be entirely better by now, so perhaps I’ll have to go to the doctor, who will of course not know what’s wrong, and it’ll be a complete waste of time, but I’ll probably get some tablets to take. Fortunately though, I have lots of chocolate (it was half-price at Woolworths).

My collection of half-priced chocolateMy collection of half-priced chocolate


I had another quiet night at home.

Friday 22nd August – Knock Off Free Comedy


Finishing up what has been a quiet, uneventful week, I had a quiet, uneventful Friday.

It was quite rainy (which isn’t ideal for Bronwen who normally rides her pushbike to work), and we wanted to go to the comedy after work, so I drove to work, dropping Bronwen off at her work on the way. Unfortunately traffic onto the freeway was abhorrent—the freeway itself was fine, but the stupid rate limiting (why do people abide by it? It’s fairly easy to tell if there’s any police hiding behind the lights to penalise you—if there isn’t, then use common sense, notice that the freeway is flowing fine, and ignore the rate limiting and get to work half an hour sooner and stop blocking up all the people behind you who also want to get to work) had caused a half-hour backup of traffic. Once I got onto the freeway it was only ten minutes into town.

Unfortunately, due to the rain and the stupid rate limiting, I didn’t have time to go park in New Farm, so I tried out the Chinatown car park. It turns out, even at twenty past nine (ten minutes before the early bird parking runs out) there were plenty of car parks on the roof, so I parked there. It cost me $13.39.


Most of us from work walked to Wintergarden for lunch. I made the mistake of ordering a special from a curry place, without realising it didn’t come with rice. I ended up with two containers of similar curry, both of which were quite runny, and a garlic naan—which basically turned into a large curry soup. It wasn’t awful, but rice would have made it a lot better.


After work I walked down to Brunswick St Mall, where I met Bronwen who had caught the train there, and then back to my car on the roof of the Chinatown Car Park, and drove to Knock Off at The Powerhouse.

After the comedy we found parking (free and everything) in the city and Bronwen got sushi, while I got a veggie lasagne, for dinner. I followed this up with an apple turnover from Coles, and then we drove home and went to bed.

Saturday 23rd August – Valley Fiesta


I spent the morning at home, quietly doing very little.


Bronwen and I drove into The Valley and spent the evening at The Valley Fiesta. It started out rainy, but fortunately it held off for most of the evening, and it got quite busy towards the end—far too busy to actually move.


Dan SultanDan Sultan

Dan SultanDan Sultan

Crowds watching Dan SultanCrowds watching Dan Sultan


Isabella Manfredi, The PreaturesIsabella Manfredi, The Preatures

The PreaturesThe Preatures

Watching The PreaturesWatching The Preatures


We had kebabs for dinner, and left The Valley after the The Valley Fiesta finished for the night.

Sunday 24th August


I had a quiet day at home. Bronwen is busy preparing for something, leaving me to wither away on my own. We did make the mistake of running out of milk and going to Woolworths—apparently it’s very busy on a weekend. The queues were insane.


We got bored of being at home by mid-afternoon, so drove to New Farm Park to look for slackliners or hoop-girls. There weren’t any hoop-girls but there were some slackliners, so Bronwen pretended she could slackline while I went off and found a coffee milkshake.

A sign near The Powerhouse: Private Poetry – Trespassers WelcomeA sign near The Powerhouse: Private Poetry – Trespassers Welcome




Slackline DancingSlackline Dancing

After it got dark and the slackliners packed up and left, we drove up to Bronwen’s parents’ place. They were just going out to dinner and invited us, so we drove down to “Makanan Indonesia” in Highgate Hill and had dinner there with some friends of theirs.