Monday 9th March – ISIS
I drove in to work early-ish as Bronwen needed to be at work early. One of our websites was hacked by ISIS, and I reported a (presumably) stolen car to the police (it was in the car park slightly damaged and with the plates ripped off).
Bronwen and I had red Thai curry with tofu and coconut rice for dinner at Sing’s Asian Kitchen, then dropped past Bronwen’s parents’ place to check on the plants and recover many escaped worms from Bronwen’s Mum’s worm farm, before driving home and going to bed.
Tuesday 10th March – Focus
I worked.
I drove straight to South Bank Cineplex after work, meeting Bronwen, who rode, there. We watched “Focus”, which was actually quite good.
Wednesday 11th March – Work
I worked.
Thursday 12th March - Tom’s Confectionary Warehouse
I worked.
Tom’s Confectionary Warehouse
I drove over to Maz’s place after work, and we drove out to the confectionery warehouse. After, we made some resin samples to figure out how much colouring to put in from the new LED poi Maz is making.
Friday 13th March – Cyanogenmod
I stayed at home, researching things, and putting the most recent “stable” (as opposed to “nightly”) version of Cyanogenmod on my phone to see if it was more stable.
I drove into town to get Bronwen and we had curry from Halim’s Indian Taj for dinner, before dropping past the Boundary Street Markets in West End.
Saturday 14th March – Vietnam Veteran’s 2015 Bike, Trike and Hot Rod Show
Bronwen and I drove down to the Vietnam Veteran Motorcycle Club’s 2015 Bike, Trike and Hot Rod Show—which I had mistakenly thought would be a few bikes parked in a car park somewhere and a handful of people wandering around them, but which actually looked like a scene directly out of something about bikies you’d see on Channel 7 pretending to be a current affair show. The Vietnam Veteran Motorcycle Club’s clubhouse, complete with bar and some stalls (including one staffed by cute pink girls selling cupcakes) and a lot of bikes.
Bronwen went in the gumboot throwing competition, but was sadly beaten. We nearly choked from all the smoke when people did burnouts.
We left and went to Sizzler at The Hyperdome for a late lunch, before returning for the wet t-shirt competition and a band in the evening.
LED poi
After leaving the bike show, we drove to Maz’s, and watched him build a set of LED poi.