Saturday 12th August – Acro & West End Fire Festival
Acro at Davies Park
Bronwen and I drove into West End and went to acro at Davies Park.
Break the Boundary: Save the Fig
After acro we drove to Boundary Street and had a look at the Break the Boundary: Save the Fig “protest” (which really wasn’t a protest, as it was actually a small road closure with a couple of small music stages and some stalls, and—unlike last time when they were shut down by the police and it all went horribly wrong—they’d got the appropriate permissions and everything was fine).
West End Fire Festival
After popping back to Coles to buy some carrots and dips, we drove to Orleigh Park and the West End Fire Festival. There were quite a few people fire twirling, hooping, and burning things tonight.
Sunday 13th August – Slackline & Acro at New Farm Park
I worked at home in the morning.
Slackline & Acro at New Farm Park
Bronwen and I drove into New Farm Park, where Bronwen did acro and I took photos. I wasn’t very enthused, though a Spiderman did turn up at one stage which was exciting.
I stayed up late working.