Saturday 17th October – Tamborine Mountain Scarecrow Festival
We had wanted to go do things today, but somehow it takes an extraordinary amount of time to setup computers, so instead we spent all morning installing software onto Bronwen’s Mum’s laptop. Then, software installed, we drove to Bronwen’s Mum’s place, to find out she wasn’t home. We left the laptop there and rushed to Sizzler, where we had a breakfast/lunch, and from there, we rushed to Maz’s.
Bronwen, Maz and I drove to the Tamborine Mountain Scarecrow Festival, and drove around looking at the scarecrows. Having been to a few now, I decided to try something different and instead of taking photos of all the scarecrows, only take photos of Bronwen posing with scarecrows. Due to the late start it got dark well before we’d seen all the scarecrows, so we gave up, drove home, and had Nandos for dinner.
Bronwen and I had planned to go to the duck races, kite festival, and pop in on a rodent fancier’s show tomorrow—but instead we found a bushwalk we hadn’t done and decided to do that.