Saturday 19th January – Swimming at Southbank
Breakfast was my traditional veggie pasty from Francy’s Patisserie—having picked Bronwen up from her parents’ place earlier, where she’d stayed the night in order to go for an early morning ride. After breakfast we drove to Maz’s—meeting Ian there—and then walked to Indooroopilly so they could get some food, and Bronwen and I could drink milkshakes from C’est La Vie, and then I tried to buy some Volley’s from Target (they have 20% off Volleys as part of a going back to school sale) but they didn’t have my size, so I ended up at an actual shoe shop instead, where I bought two pairs of the old-style Volleys (which seem to fit my foot better), as the second pair was half price.
Bronwen and I drove to West End, had Lebanese rolls from King Ahiram’s (with “special” hommos for 50¢ more), then parked at South Bank and went for a “swim” in the “water”. Despite being quite late, it was still quite busy, and we ended up floating around in the separate kiddies pool as it was less busy. It was actually quite nice.
Sunday 20th January – Boondall Wetlands
Bronwen and I drove to Boondall Wetlands, and went for a walk through the wetlands. We saw hundreds of jelly fish—by far the most I’ve ever seen—along with lots of wetlands.
After the wetlands we drove to Moora Park and Sandgate Pier in Shorncliffe and had some chips for a late lunch/early dinner.
For dinner we drove to Halim’s, and had a delicious curry. I drove to Maz’s after.
Monday 21st January – Wheel Balancing
I had a quiet morning, sleeping in a little. I’m not working today.
Once up, I called a few tyre places and drove down to a nearby Bridgestone Select place, where I left my car to have the wheels balanced and aligned while I walked down to the “gentleman’s hairdresser” (I wonder how that differs from a barber?) and had a haircut.
Bronwen and I had a quiet night at home, watching some Big Bang Theory and having pasta for dinner. It rained a little.
Tuesday 22nd January – Cheap Tuesday Pizza
Again, not working. It’s been sprinkling on and off.
Bronwen and I had Domino’s pizza for dinner.
Wednesday 23rd January – Halim’s Indian Taj
Still no work. I had a relaxing day at home.
I drove over to Maz’s, then to Rosalie, where I met Bronwen and we all had Halim’s Indian Taj for dinner. We drove to Maz’s after dinner.
Thursday 24th January – Eating at Home
Still no work. I had a quiet day at home.
Bronwen and I did some Woolworths shopping, then had dinner at home.