Saturday 23rd January – West End Full Moon Fire Festival
Bronwen and I drove to Toowong Sizzler, where we had a large breakfast/lunch. I left my phone on safe mode all last night and up until we left Sizzler, to try to debug an annoying audio problem it’s been having—notification sounds, seemingly randomly, don’t play properly. It’s quite difficult to tell what’s going on—sometimes it sounds like they’re playing twice at once, sometimes they’re just a much lower volume, sometimes they’re garbled, sometimes it seems like it’s played a part of one, then a part of another, or played parts of the same notification noise twice… It didn’t seem to have the problem while in safe mode.
After Sizzler we drove to Bronwen’s parents’ place, then to Southbank Parklands where we had a look at the “Great Australian Bites” thing they had on, then to Orleigh Park in West End for the West End Full Moon Fire Festival. There was some lightning which made for some interesting photos, though unfortunately there was a lot of cloud and it started raining before any serious lightning arrived.
We had curry for dinner from the Indian Kitchen.
Galaxy Note 4
After I got home I decided to factory reset my phone, to see if that would fix the audio problem it’s been having. It took a few hours, but it started to have the same problem again. Unfortunately, it could be that I just didn’t wait long enough in safe mode to know if it would have had it there as well…
I reset the phone at 0:35. It was back and ready for me to setup at 0:38. I then spent ages typing my excessively complex passwords into things and waiting for Google to install everything.
Finished installing apps by 1:34. I then restarted the phone and Samsung’s app store kicked in and started to download things. I restarted again after that at 1:46. At 4:20 AM, I finished setting things up again, and went to bed.