Saturday 2nd May – Frizzy Hair
Coronavirus Lockdown Day 41
1,034 cases: 1 new (though QLD’s new cases aren’t really from QLD—as with the previous few over the past several days, this case was a “returned traveller, returned from overseas and related to one of the known cruise ships where we know that COVID-19 was circulating”). QLD eases restrictions—one can now leave one’s house “for recreation (which includes driving) within a 50km radius of the person’s principal place of residence.”
Davies Park Markets
Bronwen and I drove into Davies Park Markets—which were slightly bigger than last week, but still quite small compared to what they used to be before coronavirus. We met Carissa there. Bronwen had recently taken her hair out of its tiny plaits, so we took some photos of her now-very-frizzy hair.
New Farm Park
After the markets Bronwen and I drove down to New Farm Park and bought some chips, which we ate in the park.
Brisbane Powerhouse
We then took some more frizzy-haired photos and wandered over to The Powerhouse.
Bronwen’s Parents’ Place
We dropped past Bronwen’s Parents’ Place on the way home.