Sunday 11th October – Robowars 2015 Nationals
I got up at a reasonable hour, and was happy to find that I could still talk. In fact, my sore throat has now reduced to a normal painful level—the level I’d normally be really concerned and unhappy about, sort of like you’d expect with a really sore throat and the dreadful knowledge that you were getting sick and going to have a bad flu—which is a great relief from its previous “swallowing will kill you so just don’t” levels.
Unfortunately I had no time for celebration, so Bronwen and I rushed to Woolworths to buy things, and then drove out to the Ipswich Art Gallery, where the Robowars 2015 Nationals were an hour into their second (and last) day. We spent the rest of the day there, breaking to buy some pasta salad from Woolworths for lunch. It’s difficult to photograph anything because the robots are behind thick Perspex in an attempt to save our lives, but they had some spectacular fights. Someone (a military engineer apparently) had made one which used compressed carbon dioxide to operate a thruster which shot its opponents very powerfully into the sky, which was the ultimate winner of whatever section it was in (though there were other sections based on weight which each had winners too and it was all very complex and they had names like “sportsmen” and “heavyweight”) and also possibly the coolest robot there.
We saw what looked lilke upgraded versions of a few of the robots we had seen back in the 2012 Robowars, but there were no tiny robots this time, which there had been when we went to the 2010 Robowars.
After the robots were all dead, we drove to Kangaroo Point (via West End Coles for chocolate milk and biscuits) and watched people fire twirl at Sunset Gathering, before driving home and going to sleep.
Background from FantasyStock