Sunday 24th March – Gold Coast Holi Colourfest 2024
Bronwen, Chloe and I were all a bit unwell, and it was quite rainy. I felt quite sick and didn’feel up to driving down to Gold Coast Holi, but had agreed to take some photos there, so tried to rest as much as I could to get my strength up.
I drove through light rain to Gainsborough Parklands, arriving at Gold Coast Holi only a couple of hours before it finished. I’m glad I made the effort to get there and probably should have tried to get there earlier—it was still pumping and arguably more vibrant and more like a genuine Indian Holi than either of the two Brisbane Holi’s I had just been to, with lots of people now very coloured and wet. I think the rainy weather might have had people going a bit crazier than they otherwise would have—which is what you want at Holi! Either way, it was a lot of fun and I took many photos, trying vainly to keep my camera gear dry and un-coloured—and then just as it was finishing there was some kind of small riot, after which I drove back through the rain to home again, and resumed being sick.