Sunday 25th October – Brisbane Zombie Festival 2009
I go to Brisbane Zombie Festival 2009, followed by the Valley Fiesta.
The zombie horde invades the city
Police are unsure what to do
Police have no choice but to let the horde continue
Zombie Jesus
Zombies swarm towards The Valley
VB zombie
Hand-chewing zombie
Domestic bliss zombies
Wasn’t quite dressed zombie
Zombie cyclist
Zombies were people too!
Zombie Liberation Front
Zombie makeup
Zombie teeth
Not really zombies
Zombies enjoying a bite to eat
Zombie with a headache
Zombie nurses
Zombie with a parasol
Zombie wants a kiss
Zombie with a parasol
A sore knee
Zombie librarian
Zombie baby
Zombie with a hairstyle
Tired after a hard day fighting zombies
He is a little hot
How to teach your child about life
The zombie chefs
The zombie chefs
The zombie chefs
Blood splatters
Zombie librarian
Zombie can smell Maccas
Zombies enjoying a bite to eat
Unsure why he is surrounded by zombies
Rather confusing
Police are pleased there wasn’t a larger catastrophe
Sampology at the Valley Fiesta