Sunday 7th February – Slacklining & Sunset Gathering
Suitcase Rummage
After another big sleep-in, Bronwen and I drove to the city, where Bronwen bought things from Suitcase Rummage.
New Farm Park Slacklining
After our brief retail therapy, we continued on to New Farm Park where we had intended to buy some chips. However, the some chips shop was shut, so we went to Coles where I had them make me a mixture of pasta and potato salad and Bronwen bought an awful orange cake even though I told her it would be awful. We then ate them while watching the slackline and acro crews practicing in the park.
I was not sure of the technical names so I have had to improvise.
Renegade Sunset Gathering at Orleigh Park
After it began to get dark we drove to Orleigh Park and took some photos of the small sunset gathering they were having there—the normal one having been cancelled as everyone was going to Earth Frequency.
After that, we drove to Top in Town and had curry for dinner.