Thursday 14th February – Interviews
I had an interview with Jessy from Boston Kennedy at 11:30, followed by lunch with Bronwen, and then an interview with Cat and Niall at 1:30.
I got a call back from Cat. They’re interested to offer me some work from Monday.
After a yummy pasta Bronwen cooked, I drove over to Maz’s and ended up staying late—not getting home until nearly half past three, and then staying up another hour or two at home.
Friday 15th February – Car Battery
After staying up nearly all night, I slept in.
Bronwen emailed to say she felt sick, and Maz called to say his car wouldn’t start again, so I drove over to Bronwen’s work (which was quite hard to do as traffic was quite bad and it was raining fairly solidly), dropped her off at her parents’ place, and then drove to Maz’s work, and then on to Supercheap where Maz bought a new battery, then back to Maz’s work to install the battery in his car, then back to Bronwen’s parents’ place.
It began to rain even heavier. Bronwen and I drove to Stone’s Corner Govinda’s, where we met Alexandra and had curry and lasagne for dinner. After dinner we dropped past ALDI, and then drove home.
Saturday 16th February – Daisy Hill Koala Centre
I had a quiet morning.
Bronwen and I drove to Daisy Hill Conservation Park and had a picnic, a walk, and a stroll around the Daisy Hill Koala Centre where we saw a few koalas.
I had a quiet night eating leftover curry.