Tuesday 6th September – Ultrafire 502B Cree T6 XM-L Torch
My first eBay 18650 torch (UltraFire CREE T6 LED XM-L Flashlight Torch 502B) arrived—and did not work. It seemed to randomly change modes then go very dim. However, after pulling it apart and putting it back together again (the hardware equivalent of turning it off and back on again I suppose),
it now seems to work quite well. It’s not quite as bright as my more expensive one, but much brighter than the brightest AA torch I’ve had—which considering it cost £10.59 ($17.18) isn’t bad.
After Bronwen got back from work we went for a walk up the mountain—testing my new torch—then down to Woolies. After walking home, we ordered and subsequently captured, brought home, and ate, pizza. After pizza I drove in to the city, picked Maz up from his work where he’d been roller-blading, and drove to his place, getting home not long before three o’clock.
Wednesday 7th September – Sky Ray SRT6 Torch
Ok, I’m not sure how this is possible… but on the doorstep was my “1000 Lumens CREE XML XM-L T6 LED Flashlight Torch SRT6”
which I bought off eBay for £10.51 ($16.67), and which was posted on the 29th of August—a mere nine days ago. Mind you, I’ve still got other things which I’ve not received from eBay thirty six days later. After some testing, it appears that it works, is quite bright, but is using noticeable PWM on its dimmer settings.
Well, that sucks. Bronwen and I went for a walk through the forest, and I got a call from Silas. After chatting for a while, my phone just hung up—or dropped the call perhaps. Nothing unusual, I was in a low signal area.
However, afterwards it didn’t work properly. The hang up key doesn’t work, and it keeps turning on. It’s like some form of key combination is stuck down. I blame talking on the phone while quite sweaty.
Once home, while Bronwen made us some stir-fry, I flashed the latest energyROM onto Kieran’s old phone and set it up. It seems to work, but doesn’t support 850MHZ WCDMA (i.e. NextG), so isn’t going to have the best range when roaming to Telstra.
Thursday 8th September – A Day
I had a day.
I stayed up late.
Friday 9th September – Rainy & Blowy
It rained and blowed and winded and stormed.
Bronwen and I had dinner at Tara Thai, after I drove into town. It was yum, but they’ve changed the tofu they use to a much firmer and less absorbent tofu, and it really isn’t as nice.