Weekly NSDAP slogan beneath a nurse aiding a wounded soldier

Weekly NSDAP slogan beneath a nurse aiding a wounded soldier

Weekly NSDAP slogan beneath a nurse aiding a wounded soldier.

Era: World War II - Germany

Poster Text: ES GlBT KEINEN / BESSEREN DANK / FUR DEN EINSATZ UNSERER / SOLDATEN, ALS VOR ALLEM / MITZUHELFEN AN DER / HEILUNG IHRER WUNDEN / ADOLF HITLER [There is no better way of thanking our soldiers for their courage than to help first of all to heal their wounds. Adolf Hitler].

Artist: Knabe

Publisher: Wochenspruchen der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterparte (NSDAP) [weekly slogans of the National German Workers' Party].

Date Published: June 21-27, 1942
