Weekly NSDAP slogan beneath an image of farmland giving way to urban industrialism

Weekly NSDAP slogan beneath an image of farmland giving way to urban industrialism

Weekly NSDAP slogan beneath an image of farmland giving way to urban industrialism.

Era: World War II - Germany

Poster Text: WAS DIE HElMAT LEISTET, / MUSS VOR DER GESCHICH-/TE DEREINST BESTEHEN / KONNEN / ADOLF HITLER [What the homeland achieves must some day withstand the test of history. Adolf Hitler].

Artist: Knabe

Publisher: Wochenspruchen der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterparte (NSDAP) [weekly slogans of the National German Workers' Party].

Date Published: April 26 - May 2, 1942
