Weekly NSDAP slogan with the image of an olive branch and a Reichsparteitag 1938 tinne

Weekly NSDAP slogan with the image of an olive branch and a Reichsparteitag 1938 tinne

Weekly NSDAP slogan with the image of an olive branch and a Reichsparteitag 1938 tinne.

Era: World War II - Germany

Poster Text: WIR BLICKEN VOLLER STOLZ / ZURUCK AUF DIE LEISTUNGEN / DIE DAS / DEUTSCHE / VOLK DURCH SEINE / ARBEIT IM ZEICHEN DES / NATIONALSOZIALISMUS / VOLLBRACHT HAT / RUDOLF HESS / STELLVERTRETER DES FUHRERS [We look back proudly at the achievements that the German nation has gained through its work under the symbol of National Socialism. Rudolf Hess, Deputy of the Fuhrer].

Artist: Willi Kleine

Publisher: Wochenspruchen der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterparte (NSDAP) [weekly slogans of the National German Workers' Party].

Date Published: Sept. 5-11, 1938
