Monday 19th January – Snake Feeding
I drove into work (via Bronwen’s work to drop her off) very early, getting to work around 7:20, and before anyone was there to let me in. Unfortunately, I couldn’t do any work until 8, and as I only bill per work done, it was rather wasted time.
I dropped past Bronwen’s parents’ place to get Bronwen, then rushed home so she could watch our neighbour feeding his snakes. Bronwen and I then had Dominos pizza for dinner and watched Star Wars Episode V.
Tuesday 20th January – Sore Throat
I had a quiet day at home, as there wasn’t enough work for me to head into work.
I still have quite a sore throat—it seems to be hanging around and not going away.
I drove into West End to get Bronwen after her aerial yoga, and we had dinner at the cheap curry place. I was sad to see that Ice Cream Mania has shut down, though I hadn’t really gone there much since they changed ownership.
Wednesday 21st January – Dinner
I worked.
I drove to Bronwen’s parents’ place and we had dinner there.
Thursday 22nd January – Cannelloni
I drove to work, where I worked. I had cannelloni for lunch from Woolworths, which wasn’t very good. Big bosses were up at work today, so everyone else had lots of meetings.
I drove home with Bronwen, and we had dinner at home, while we watched Start Wars Episode VI. I was surprised at how bad it was.
Friday 23rd January – Rain
I worked. It rained quite heavily. Apparently it was the largest “rain event” (which as far as I can tell, is what we used to call “rainfall”) in some time—two years if I remember rightly, which doesn’t seem that long really. According to the internet, various places flooded and many waters enveloped many things.
I picked Bronwen up from her work and drove home. We had planned to have a conventional dinner at home like normal people, but Bronwen went straight to bed, leaving me to fend for myself, so I had half a can of creamed rice with ice cream and cream.
Saturday 24th January – Cedar Creek Falls
Cedar Creek Falls
Bronwen and I drove to Woolworths to buy some picnic things, then down to Cedar Creek Falls at Mount Tamborine. After all the rain yesterday and last night we’d assumed it would be raining today and no one would be there, and that the creek itself might be flowing too fast to swim in—but it turned out to be deliciously hot weather (though the water was frightfully cold), only raining once, and the creek was quite busy. We were very fortunate to get parking—someone pulled out shortly after we arrived.
We went for a swim, ate our picnic, took some photos, and drove home again.
Super-Awesome Greens Supporters Party
We drove to the Motor Room in West End to attend the “Super-Awesome Greens Supporters Party”, where we met three people we’d met at Woodford, thus answering the question “Where do all the Woodford people hide during the rest of the year?”
We had curry from Top In Town for dinner.
Sunday 25th January – Camera Woes
Bronwen and I drove to Orleigh Park in West End to attend a photo shoot put on by the “Passionate About Photography” group. It turned out to be a good chance to test—and ultimately prove—whether my camera was indeed faulty. As it turned out, I wasn’t able to take any useful photos at all.
After the photo shoot we dropped past the new ALDI in West End, and then took my camera back to JB HIFI. To my surprise (I was expecting to have to fight for it) the girl there listened to my story, went and had a chat to her manager, and they offered me an exchange with a new 7D (but as it’s discontinued, they don’t have any in stock in this store, and only a handful left in Australia) or the cost of the 7D taken off a purchase there. I said I’d have to do some research and think about it before being able to purchase another camera. They said I could get the money on a gift card, which lasts two years. I went away to think about it.
I then spent the rest of afternoon researching cameras, not coming to any useful conclusion, and ending up stressed because of it.
Drove to Sizzler in Annerley, which we didn’t like quite as much as the Toowong one—though we both agreed that the salads seemed to taste somehow better which may perhaps have been a psychological thing because we couldn’t think of any reason why it would be so.
After Sizzler we rushed to South Bank. Just as we got there someone pulled out and we were able to get parking, which was very fortunate considering it was quite busy and we were running late for the fireworks. As it turned out, the fireworks were also running late—which was also very fortunate as we’d have missed the start of them if they weren’t.
The fireworks were quite good—they had a few sorts I’d not seen before. One kind was popped out onto the water, where it must have floated for a little bit before exploding at water level.
Once the fireworks were over and Bronwen and I had managed to escape from the crowds, we drove up to Bronwen’s parents’ place.
Monday 26th January – Australia Day
It is very hot. Bronwen and I spent the morning slowly melting inside. I did some more research into cameras but found it too stressful so stopped. Until I change my mind, I’ve decided to get a Canon 7D MKII, but buy it here in Australia within 60 days of going overseas and claim the GST back.
Esky Races
We drove to The Normanby, who were having their third annual “1000w esky races”. Bronwen went for a race, before we left and drove to The Gasworks, who were also having a Triple J Hottest 100 party. We bought some drinks, bread and dip from the Woolworths there and had lunch. We watched a pie eating competition, slip-n-slide, prawn peeling competition, and lots of people drinking wine, before driving back to The Normanby again, where Bronwen went in another esky race, and we spent the evening until Triple J finished with their Hottest 100.
We had a quiet dinner at home. It’s still incredibly hot.