Tuesday 27th January – Climbing
I went to work.
I stopped off at Kangaroo Point Cliffs on the way home to meet Bronwen, who was practicing her tsunami avoidance plan.
Wednesday 28th January – Dinner
I worked.
I drove to Bronwen’s parents’ place, where we had dinner.
Thursday 29th January – Ants
I drove into work, but there wasn’t a lot of work so I left again around half past three. It’s been a quiet week as far as work goes—I’ve done just under 17 billable hours of work, though Monday was a holiday.
Bronwen and I had Dominos pizza for dinner—trying their thin crust for a change. Sadly—though mostly ineffectively it would seem—the ants which have been busy ignoring all treaties and invading, had ant poison for dinner.
Friday 30th January – Brisbane Free University
I didn’t go to work, as they had no work for me.
I went to a Brisbane Free University event in West End, which had Jonathan Sri, the local Green’s candidate, along with another Greens candidate and a panel of political people—and one anarchist, who got the loudest applause.
Saturday 31st January – Dentist & The Election
I went to the dentist. It wasn’t much fun. After Bronwen and I drove to Photo Continental (which, sadly, has shrunk to a relatively small camera shop at the back of where they used to be) to have a look at cameras, then drove down to the nearest voting place, which wasn’t much fun either. After, we drove to Photo Continental again to check out a few more things we’d thought of since our last visit. The Fuji X-T1 seemed to take quite impressive photos but is also quite expensive, much slower, but much lighter—and the 7Dmk2 seemed much like a 7D but better in every way (except, considering it’s five years newer and how much it costs and that the Nikon and Sony sensors are better and many of their cameras have equivalently fancy, or even better, tracking auto-focus, nowhere near as good as it should be—Canon does not seem to be doing very well on the technology front).
According to the ABC, Labor will win the QLD election—possibly with a governing majority, or possibly with the help of an independent or Katter. The Greens got a lot of votes here and there—especially from Jonathan Sri in South Brisbane, but due to the unfair way the electoral system works and QLD’s lack of upper house, no one elected.
Sunday 1st February – Lake Baroon
Bronwen and I drove up to Clint’s parents’ place near Montville. We went for a swim in the gorge near Lake Baroon, looked at bee walls and many ponds and plants at Clint’s parents’ place, and stayed late chatting.
Monday 2nd February – Dinner
I worked.
I drove to Bronwen’s parents’ place for dinner.
Tuesday 3rd February – West End Fire Festival
I worked.
I drove to Kangaroo Point Cliffs after work, where Bronwen was climbing. We then drove to West End, where the full moon fire festival was underway, before heading to the Indian Kitchen in West End to fix our cheese and garlic naan deficiency.
Wednesday 4th February – Mortdecai
I worked.
Bronwen and I drove to South Bank Cineplex where we—after getting some tasty, hot, delicious chips—watched “Mortdecia”. It was amusing in a slightly too stupid kind of way.
Thursday 5th February – Work
I drove to work, dropping Bronwen off at her work on the way.
Friday 6th February – Work
Work. Bronwen rode.
I picked Bronwen up from her work, and we drove home.