Monday 23rd January – Like Day & Night


I had a day.


It follows that I had a night.

Tuesday 24th January – Raining & Pizza


I had a quiet day, procrastinating while it rained quite heavily and everyone worried about whether it would flood again. I’m wondering what flood-affected property values would be if they flooded for the second time in as many years, but it doesn’t seem like that’s very likely at this stage.


I picked Bronwen up from halfway to the bus stop, we drove and got our traditional Tuesday pizza, and ate it as tradition dictates, while watching Top Gear, then Bronwen went to bed and I stayed up working.

Wednesday 25th January

This day is a mystery.

Thursday 26th January

This day is also a mystery—or in other words, I was too slack to note what happened, and have now forgotten.

Friday 27th January

Yay, and hurray, for it is Friday!

Saturday 28th January – Family Dinner


I slept in, having had a late night last night.


I drove over to Bronwen’s parents’ place, got Bronwen, and drove to the nearby bakery for breakfast. After, we drove over to Maz’s, then back to Bronwen’s parents’, where we had dinner with Cam and Tina, Gav and Valerie, and Bronwen’s Aunt and Uncle, Geoff and Hillary. After dinner, I drove back to Maz’s.

Sunday 29th January – Sizzlers


I slept in until Bronwen arrived back from her parents, and then we had a quiet day, doing a little cleaning and not a lot else.


Bronwen and I went to Toowong Sizzlers, and used up my birthday Sizzlers vouchers. I am now absurdly full—and it’s also the only meal I’ve had today.

Monday 30th January – Cloudflare


I moved my domains across to Cloud Flare, and will see how its caching and threat-mitigation helps things.

Tuesday 31st January – Satay Pizza & The Heat


I gardened. It was hot.


Bronwen and I ate our traditional Tuesday pizza—except Bronwen broke with tradition and bought a far less yummy satay pizza.

Late Night

It was extremely hot, to the point where I had to get up and put a fan on—the first time I’ve had to here.

Dreamweaver 11 (CS5) on Windows 7