The KGB Don’t Find Me
Wednesday 1st February – Scrubs
I drove in to town, parking at South Bank and melting my way across to the city where I met Bronwen and had lunch at Govinda’s.
I stayed up very late, messing around on the internet, and re-watching “Scrubs”.
Thursday 2nd February – Fight Corps Australia
I had a quiet day at home, making the site for my sister, and finishing off my chocolate. Bronwen’s Mum and her uncle Geoff dropped over in the morning to get the Corolla, but it wouldn’t start, and then Bronwen’s Mum dropped over again later to drop off a battery charger, and again later after doing some shopping.
Bronwen and I went grocery—and yoghurt making thermometer, though we failed to find a suitable one—shopping, and Bronwen cooked a yummy pasta dinner.
Friday 3rd February – The KGB
Geoff and Hillary, Bronwen’s aunt and uncle, and her Dad, came over in the morning to drop off a thermometer and pick up the Corolla.
The KGB pulled up outside, but I hid inside and they didn’t find me.
Bronwen made yoghurt in the slow cooker. I sulked, then watched some Jonathan Creek, did some work on a website, ate a bun, and some ice cream.
Saturday 4th February – Fixing Cars
Not only woke up, but got up!
I took the central locking actuator from the rear left door of my car out, replaced a broken part in it, and put it back in again—and all without forgetting any parts.
Sunday 5th February
Monday 6th February
Tuesday 7th February – Chronicle
I drove to the hotel on Coronation Drive that Clint is staying at, then back to South Bank cinemas, managing to get parking just after the movie began, and then watched “Chronicle”—which was quite a boring movie, despite the perplexingly good reviews it had somehow managed to get—with Clint and Bronwen. After we drove to Maz’s, and had pizza for dinner.
Wednesday 8th February – Old Photographs
Bronwen’s Mum dropped off some old—circa 1860 apparently—books of photos.
Bronwen’s Mum arrived again, and I took photos of the old photos Bronwen’s Mum had dropped off.
I had a storm. There was wind, there was rain, and there may have been UFO’s but I didn’t see any.
There was a pretty sunset. Bronwen stayed at her parents’ place as she’s going for a ride early tomorrow morning with her Dad. I stayed home, all sad and alone.
Thursday 9th February – No Water
I made the mistake of going for a ride to meet Bronwen on her way home from work, meaning when I got home and found there was no water, I was unbelievably hot and sweaty. Did I mention there was no water? A man in a van gave us some bottled water for drinking and said it’d be a few hours before the water was back on. Eventually some earth moving equipment and a truck arrived, and after a few hours of doing things, we again had water and could go to bed.
Friday 10th February – Flash Hate
I got an email from Cat at Mettro asking if I could start again Monday for five weeks.
I hate flash. Tried to paste a pizza voucher code into Dominos flash online ordering. Bam, it went away.
I hate flash. It crashed again.
Bronwen rode home to her parents’ place, but then felt sick, so I drove over and got her, and we finally had pizza, after Flash crashed another several times during the ordering process.
Saturday 11th February – Cam & Christine’s Party
We had a quiet day at home. Bronwen did some cooking for the party. Ned has been fighting his media centre, but is happy to say he now has AC3 and DTS pass-through on all tested files, DVD's, and digital TV—as well as normal audio for everything else.
Bronwen and I drove over to my ex-flatmates, Cam and Christine’s place, who were having a post-wedding party. A good time was had by all.
I dropped Bronwen off at her parents’ place, where stayed so she could go riding early tomorrow, and one of the Germans from Christine’s work back at her house.
Early Morning
I stayed up eating peanut button on a spoon, and watching TV. May have eaten too much peanut butter. Need milk.
Sunday 12th February – Family Dinner
Big storm, but otherwise uneventful day at home. Bronwen rode back over before the storm.
Bronwen and I had a lovely dinner with Bronwen’s parents, her British Aunt and Uncle, and her Sydney Aunt and Uncle.
Monday 13th February – Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
I went back to work at Mettro, and had lunch at Govinda’s with Gavan.
Bronwen and I drove to West End to get a kebab, but the shop was shut, so we got a thick shake and some Lebanese baked goods instead. We then drove to South Bank and watched “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy”—which was disappointing, as Clint had predicted.
Tuesday 14th February – Site Redesign
Bronwen rode my bike into town to have it serviced.
I worked. I went to Govinda’s for lunch with Gavan.
Bronwen and I went to Woolies, then Dominos, then back home, and ate pizza while watching Top Gear. Afterwards, I redesigned the welcome page of my site. Gone is the background wall of thumbnails, replaced with a masonry-driven brick wall of items.
Wednesday 15th February – Up Late
I worked.
Bronwen stayed at her parents’ so she could go riding early in the morning, so I stayed up late making my Woodford journal entry.
Late Night
Welcome page redesign done, at least until the designers at work tomorrow tell me what sucks about it.
Thursday 16th February – Late Night at Kieran’s
I worked.
Bronwen cooked some nice pasta while I went to Woolies for milk, then we watched Top Gear, and after I drove over to Kieran’s, where Maz and Clint also were, and after that to Maz’s, and then back home to yet another late night.

Friday 17th February