Saturday 10th March – Gavin’s Funeral
Bronwen and I attended Gavin’s funeral. It was a lovely service, and seemed very fitting to me.
Bronwen and I drove over to Maz’s, where we met Maz and Clint and drove to the Confectionary Warehouse. On the way back we stopped at Rosalie for a Mexican dinner.
Sunday 11th March – Mount Barney
Bronwen woke up in a rush, having managed to sleep through her alarm. We rushed out to find Clint already waiting. A very short while later, and Bronwen and Clint left to climb Mount Barney.
Late Morning
I eventually woke up, having promptly gone back to bed when Bronwen left.
I spent the afternoon relaxing, watching “Scrubs”, making the menu on my site the same as the front page, and adding the secondary menu to the footer—or “tidying things up”, and “consolidating code” to put it simply.
Bronwen arrived back just before seven o’clock, and we headed over to Maz’s via Bronwen’s parents’ place to say goodbye to her Aunt and Uncle, and then to Halim’s for a yummy curry.
Monday 12th March – Toothache
I worked. I have developed a toothache—but rather than go to the dentist, I shall live in denial and hope that it miraculously goes away.
I drove over to Bronwen’s parents’ place, where Bronwen was. We had left-over curry and baked vegetables for dinner.
Tuesday 13th March – Coriolanus
I worked. My toothache hasn’t magically fixed itself, and sadly, I fear I will need to go to the dentist to relieve myself of large amounts of money and in return receive bad news, and have great pain and suffering inflicted upon me.
I rushed home to get the tickets my sister gave me for my birthday, then rushed to Kangaroo Point Cliffs to get Bronwen, then rushed to Dendy Portside, where we met Clint with only moments to spare. We watched “Coriolanus”, in what is perhaps the cinema with the smallest screen I have ever seen. Some things are better small—unexpected bills and tumours for example—but cinema screens are generally not. Still, once the movie started, it didn’t really make much difference. That it was actually quite difficult to understand Shakespearean English was more of an issue; and while clearly the point of the movie, I felt it actually detracted from what—given the current political climate in Greece and Italy—felt like it should have been a hard-hitting, topical political action/drama, rather than a tragedy.
Wednesday 14th March – The Dentist
I drove Bronwen to the busway, then myself to work. My toothache, having—quite rudely—still not magically healed, I phoned the dentist and made an appointment for half past four.
Gavan and I drove to Stones Corner Govinda’s for lunch.
Sometimes things just don’t go very well. I’m in quite a lot of pain, and have now been taking pain killers which say not to take them for more than three days… for three days—which is why I left work at four o’clock to get to a half past four dental appointment. It should have been plenty of time—and I did get home in not much over ten minutes. I cleaned my teeth, found my health insurance card, and headed down to the dentist… only to find the road, where they were still repairing a burst water main from this morning, closed. The short detour only went in the wrong direction, so a much longer detour—and a large delay trying to cross across Logan Road in peak hour without any lights—later, and I found that another road was closed—apparently someone had driven off the side of Mount Gravatt, and they had shut down the road while they were cutting him and his passenger from his car, and declared the whole mountain a crime scene while they were at it. So the dentist had called to find out where I was, and the three minute drive to the dentist took quarter of an hour. Though, offsetting this somewhat, the dental appointment only took three minutes.
Unfortunately, this wasn’t because I was a hypochondriac and imagining the pain and my teeth were all in perfect condition. I rushed to Greenslopes hospital, where—after much walking down empty aisles—I finally found the X-Ray department, and had an orthopantomogram. I then rushed back to a chemist where I bought some antibiotics and some more painkillers, and drove home to sit miserably.
Thursday 15th March – Scrubs
I worked.
Bronwen is at her parents’ place, so I had a quiet night at home alone. I watched some “Scrubs”, had a look at my X-Ray, and made a journal entry based on the other Ned’s not-yet-completed portfolio site, before going to bed.
Friday 16th March – Having a Ball
I dropped my X-Ray into the dentist, and drove to work. Most of work is in Sydney at an awards ceremony, and the other Ned has come in for what’s probably the last time before he heads overseas, so it’s a bit of a different atmosphere to usual.
Or, as the other Ned said, “Who said running a digital agency was hard work? While our fabulous team are in Sydney attending the AIMIA awards, it’s comforting to know [our] skeleton staff are on hand taking care of business. Hope you’re having a ball guys, I know we are :)”
The dentist called to say she’d looked at my X-Ray and is referring me to a specialist.
Saturday 17th March – Sizzlers
Bronwen and I walked down to the dentist, so I could get my X-Rays and referral, and Bronwen could change an appointment she’d made.
We drove to Sizzler’s at Toowong, where for $11, we got two salad bars. Bronwen had a free salad bar voucher she’d got by sampling a new salad last time, and I had five dollars off from filling out a survey, and we forgot to buy drinks but were given drinks anyway, making it quite a cheap—and very filling—lunch.
After lunch, and barely able to walk, we drove to Bronwen’s parents’ place to get some things, then home to make yoghurt.
Bronwen failed to make yoghurt, instead making lumpy sour milk—which she insists is, in fact, yoghurt.
Sunday 18th March – Govinda’s Sunday Feast
We had planned to go see Maz on Stradbroke Island, but it was rainy and blowy, so we decided to laze about at home instead.
Bronwen and I drove and parked at Kangaroo Point then walked across South Bank, via New Zealand Natural to buy a yoghurt soft serve, on our way to the Sunday Feast at Govindas. Around thirty people came, and we spent half an hour or so chanting, then we had a speech from an American lady, then some signing, and then we all sat on the floor and ate a $5 feast.
I had another small dinner, as I needed to eat to take my medication.
Monday 19th March – Site Redesign
Bronwen stayed at her parents’ place, so I stayed up late completing (…at least for now) the redesign of my menus on—I now have separate menus and sections for my journal and my amused sections, and a separate “front page” with various links to both.
Tuesday 20th March – The Rum Diaries
It rained on and off, at times quite heavily.
I left work on the dot of half past five and drove to South Bank. Surprisingly, traffic was quite good and there was lots of parking under the cinema. After a short wait Bronwen arrived, and a little while later, Clint. We watched “The Rum Diaries”, which unfortunately didn’t really impress me. It was an entertaining movie, but I didn’t really bond with any of the characters—I didn’t really like the people who were presumably supposed to be “good”, I didn’t really dislike the people who were supposed to be “bad”, and there wasn’t really much else to it. When the movie ended, I was left thinking “oh… I was hoping something was going to happen, but I guess not?”
Wednesday 21st March – Working
I worked.
It is still raining, albeit only lightly. Bronwen and I had a quiet night at home: pasta for dinner, watched some Top Gear, put the rubbish out for collection, and put a new journal entry up on my site.

A slightly sarcastic take on “The new iPad” (commonly known as the iPad 3) and its “retina display”. Fittingly, this page does not work in Apple-related, webkit-based browsers such as Safari or Google Chrome, which are sadly not yet capable of displaying the standards-compliant CSS required to make the loupe work. Please use Firefox or Internet Explorer 9, otherwise view as an iPad 2.