Thursday 22nd March – No Milk
I worked. It was another rainy day.
Bronwen stayed at her parents’ place so she could go riding early in the morning, so I ran out of milk,
had nothing to eat for dessert but really felt like dessert, and stayed up far too late while still somehow managing to get nothing done.
Friday 23rd March – The Sit Down Comedy Club
I regret staying up too late last night. Lots of work to get done... and my chocolate milkshake has run out.
I had Subway for lunch, followed by a meeting so everyone knows where everyone’s at. I’m just across the table from Cat, as it turns out.
I got home to find that Bronwen had had a bike accident (albeit not while actually riding...) and had a swollen, black eye.
Bronwen and I rushed to the Sit Down Comedy Club at The Paddo, where we sat down and were entertained. I’d actually seen two of the four comedians before—which, considering I’ve only been to the comedy club a few times, makes me wonder how small the comedy scene is in Brisbane. Nevertheless, despite me being grumpy to start with, it did end up being amusing, and we had a good time and some beer-battered potato wedges.
Saturday 24th March – Can-Do Chips at Scarborough
Bronwen and I drove over to Kieran’s—where Clint is staying—and got Clint and drove to Scarborough for chips. It turned out to be very windy, but the chips were very good, and Clint bought us all a giant lolly snake.
We spent the evening back at Kieran’s place watching the state election results—Labor being decimated by the LNP, in a very can-do kind of way.
Sunday 25th March – Shoe Shopping
Bronwen and I drove over to Kieran’s, where we met Kieran and Clint, and went shopping at Indooroopilly for shoes. I ended up with a new pair of sandals, and a new pair of work shoes, but couldn’t find anywhere with the right size Volleys. I’m going to try Volleys as my new bushwalking shoes, on recommendation from Clint.
On the way home we stopped at Sizzlers in Toowong and bought another hundred dollars of gift vouchers, getting two free salad and drinks vouchers in the process.
Bronwen and I had Halim’s for dinner. We were the only people there—it’s usually quite busy.
Monday 26th March – Busy and Late
I worked. It is quite busy as I’m approaching a deadline and not as prepared for it as I’d like—things are taking longer than I’d hoped.
At lunch time, I found a car almost entirely covered in sticky notes.
I had a quiet—and far too late—night at home alone, Bronwen having stayed at her parents’ place to put out the bins and go riding.
Tuesday 27th March – The Hunger Games
I regretted staying up late last night.
I had Subway for lunch, while regretting staying up late last night.
I continued to regret staying up late last night.
I drove home, relaxed for far too short a time, picked up pizza from Dominos, rushed in to Kangaroo Point, met Bronwen, ate aforementioned pizza, walked to South Bank Cinemas, met Clint, and watched “The Hunger Games”. As Gavan had forewarned me, it was more tween romance and less exciting action than I had hoped—but somehow still engrossing.
Wednesday 28th March – Govinda’s
I worked.
I met Bronwen in the city and we had Govinda’s for dinner. Sadly, they didn’t have the white salad dressing I so love... but it was a yummy dinner nonetheless.
Thursday 29th March – Hungry Jack’s
I worked.
Bronwen and I ate two dollar Veggie Burgers from Hungry Jack’s thanks to some deal Bronwen had found. We then continued on to Indooroopilly to check if they had got the right size Volleys yet... but sadly, they had not.
Friday 30th March – Tom’s Confectionery Warehouse
I worked.
Bronwen and I drove to Rosalie, where we met Clint and Maz, and ate Mexican food for dinner. After, we drove in Clint’s car out to Tom’s Confectionary Warehouse—which is currently open 24 hours a day for Easter—and I bought all sorts of mint chocolate—even some gluten, sugar and dairy free ones—in my ongoing search for something as good as Cadbury’s Bournville Classic Dark Chocolate with Mint Essence, which I had found in Africa, but can’t find anywhere here in Australia.
Saturday 31st March – Volleys, Tara Thai and Earth Hour
After a rather extravagant sleep-in, Bronwen and I drove down to the nearby Target, and one of the friendly “team members” there managed to find me the right size of nearly-black (they’re apparently “Denim Grey”) Volleys out the back somewhere. Bronwen also bought a pair, albeit black.
We drove in to the Valley, and went to Tara Thai, where—unsurprisingly—we ate Thai food. After dinner, we drove to South Bank and watched the anti-climax that is “Earth Hour”—
though to be fair, a large majority of the lights in the city skyscrapers did turn off, but overall it just doesn’t have much impact.
After saving the earth for an hour, we drove to Kieran’s, where Clint, Maz, and Kieran’s Dad also were, and chatted there for a few hours.
Sunday 1st April – Suitcase Rummage
I had another extravagant sleep-in.
Bronwen and I made our way to the city (by utilising the road network, and parking at Kangaroo Point—where I bought a kebab for lunch), and rummaged around in suitcases at the Suitcase Rummage, before driving to the Powerhouse and watching some comedians at their free weekly “Livewired” comedy gig.
After the comedy, we drove to Rosalie and met Maz at Halim’s Indian Taj, where we also had a delicious curry dinner.
Monday 2nd April – Scrubs
I worked.
Bronwen stayed at her parents’ place in order to go riding tomorrow morning early, so I put on some washing, had two minute noodles for dinner, watched some “Scrubs”, did some work on the Fight Corps Australia site, and went to bed—still somehow later than I’d hoped.
Tuesday 3rd April – Pizza
I worked. I ate leftover curry for lunch. I then worked some more.
I waited for Bronwen to get home from climbing, bought pizza, and tried to go to bed early.
Wednesday 4th April – Aldi and The Mini Bike Trainer
I got up extra-specially early (five past eight) and had an extra-specially long shower (unrelatedly), then drove extra-specially to Aldi, where I bought some bathroom scales and a little “Mini Bike Trainer”—which is basically an exercise bike minus the bike part, designed to be used while you’re sitting on a couch or similar. I then rushed to work, arriving only ten minutes late. Interestingly, almost all the people at Aldi were in their senior years. I’m not sure if this was because the sale on had a lot of products aimed at them, or vice-versa, but it seemed to me to be an odd demographic for Aldi.
I worked, ate Subway for lunch (where it was absurdly busy—fifteen people in line waiting, and one of the girls making nineteen subs for one order), worked some more, then drove home.
I put batteries in the scales and put the feet and pedals onto the “Mini Bike Trainer”, and sadly found that it has certainly been built to a cost. I’m not sure if it’s useless, but it’s not very good. However, I think the concept is good—I should be able to exercise while using my laptop, because I don’t have enough time to do enough exercise otherwise. Unfortunately, I’m not sure this is the way to do it... but I’ll persist for a bit and see how it goes. The pedals coming off every so often is a bit of a downside too.
Bronwen ate leftover Thai and I ate leftover pizza, and then did some more pedalling. According to the little computer thing, which I suspect is almost entirely inaccurate, I’ve pedalled for 94 minutes, doing a theoretical 38 kilometres (or miles... who knows?) and used 578 calories.