Saturday 3rd December – Garden City

I got all excited because Australia Post hand-delivered me an eBay parcel—on a Saturday morning! I thought it was part of their new “let’s be competitive” plan… but sadly, found out that they’ve been doing Saturday morning deliveries for ages for the few weeks before Christmas. It was the handgrip for my camera.
We drove down to Garden City and looked at camera bags—because Bronwen needs one, and mine is falling apart and just a tiny bit too small.
Sunday 4th December – GoMA

Bronwen mowed her gardening knife, but did not die.
Bronwen and I drove in to South Bank and went to GoMA—the gallery of modern art. It had a fantastically fun dot display, and a very cool sugar-land display, along with the usual foolish modern art and a handful of interesting things—like the dotty mirror room.
We went to dinner at Rob and Peng Lian’s (friends of Bronwen and her parents) place. It turned out there were eleven of us there, so it was quite busy.
Monday 5th December – Chips

I discovered that the rear-left door on my car wasn’t locking. This seems like a good reason to finally take it in for a service and get a few other things fixed up—hopefully, not that they were fixed last time I paid lots to have them fixed—at the same time.
Bronwen and I decided we’d have chips for dinner, and take them up a mountain, however it was extremely cold and windy, and the chip place we went to was shut, so we ended up buying chips from a Chinese noodle place, and eating them at home. Surprisingly, they were very nice.
Tuesday 6th December – Pizza

I worked, as usual.
I drove in to Kangaroo Point, getting Bronwen from climbing, and we drove home and ordered not two—but three—Dominos cheap Tuesday pizzas. Kangaroo Point was unusually deserted, with not a single car in the car park.
Wednesday 7th December – Pasta

It rained for most of the day. I worked for most of the day.
I picked Bronwen up from the city—though not from where I was supposed to meet her, seeing as there wasn’t any parking there and she was several hours—or at least a few minutes—late. She then redeemed herself by cooking a very nice pasta dinner, and we watched Top Gear. I even put out the rubbish after, just to show I can—and it’s still raining.
Thursday 8th December – More Pasta

It continued to rain, though it did clear up somewhat in the afternoon.
I collected Bronwen—who once again wasn’t ready to be collected, meaning I once again had to go park elsewhere and wait—from the city, and we drove—via home—to Officeworks, where we had hoped to look at camera bags and possibly use their 5% price beat guarantee to get them to match a special Videopro is having… but sadly the Garden City Officeworks had only one rather small camera bag.
In other entirely unrelated news, Bronwen made the yummiest pasta for dinner, and I bought choc chips.
Friday 9th December – Work Christmas Party

I worked.
I had my work Christmas party. I picked Bronwen up in the city—after sitting in traffic for ages—and drove to the London Club in Teneriffe (which, as far as I can tell, is in Newstead), struggling to find parking but still managing to arrive fashionably in the middle. A fun night with lots of laughs was then had, and as far as I know, no one died.