Wednesday 23rd November
This day has been forgotten.
Thursday 24th November – Chez Tessa
I worked. Work bought lunch.
After lazing about at home for a bit too long, Bronwen and I rushed into town to return her parents’ scanner and get my camera battery charger back, and then rushed to Maz’s and on to Chez Tessa, arriving just before the supermarket shut. We ate our surprisingly good Chez Tessa and headed back to Maz’s, where we looked at his new Cokin X-Pro filters and polariser, and eventually drove back home through some light rain, and went to bed.
Friday 25th November – Breaking Pictures & Coffee Club
Just as I was about to leave for work, a rather large picture fell from the wall, shattering its glass with a cacophony of shockingly-unexpected noise. Strangely, I wasn’t anywhere near the picture, hadn’t been near it or bumped it—in fact, wasn’t even moving at the time. After this rather disturbing delay I rushed to work and had an extremely busy day.
In entirely unrelated news, the other Ned at work (seriously, what kind of place has two Ned’s? We’re probably the highest density of Ned’s in Australia… if not the world) insists the navigation of my site is unnavigable, so I’m almost enthused to rewrite it.
I drove into the city after work, finding Bronwen, and eventually—and with surprising difficulty—the Coffee Club at Eagle Street Pier, to which Bronwen had a cheap voucher she’d bought, and at which we ate dinner—what would have been an absurdly expensive thick shake, had we been paying full price, and some nachos for me, while Bronwen—being classier, or at least, more normal—had wine and some kind of omelette toast thing, which no doubt had a much fancier name than that.
After dinner we went for a walk through the city, not finding anything of any huge excitement worth photographing, bumping into some friends of Bronwen’s, and in my case getting very hot, before walking back to the car and driving home. Neither of us can be bothered cleaning up the dangerous pile of broken glass shards tonight, so we’re just avoiding that hallway for the night.
Saturday 26th November – Photo Continental & Pittsworth
I drove in to the bakery at Rosalie and had breakfast there with Maz, before heading out to Photo Continental for Maz to look at—and buy—a new camera backpack, and me to buy a 3 year Mack Diamond warranty for my new camera.
After driving back home, getting Bronwen, and walking down to Woolies, we all drove over to Maz’s, and then out to his parents’ place at Pittsworth.
Bronwen, Maz and I tried taking photos of the milky way—only to find it wasn’t there—and after messing around with some light painting attempts and general night-time photographic tomfoolery, retired inside once the mist had made all our camera gear quite wet. It was surprisingly cold, and very wet from the dew and mist.
Sunday 27th November – Pittsworth
Maz drove in to his niece’s birthday party, while Bronwen and I relaxed at his parents’ place, went for a wander around the yard, took some photos, and relaxed again inside out of the heat.
We drove back to Brisbane after Maz got back, and being quite sleepy, Bronwen and I headed home shortly after arriving back at Maz’s. We had a relaxing afternoon.
Monday 28th November – Up Late
I worked.
Bronwen stayed at her parents’ place, and I stayed up late.
Tuesday 29th November – Pizza
I worked.
I got home just before Bronwen, and we drove down to Woolies for vitally important things like toothpaste (Bronwen having left ours out at Pittsworth on the weekend) and garlic bread. On the way back we picked up a margharita (which, in Domino’s new range, has far too much basil pesto on it) and a vegetarian pizza.
After staying up far too late last night, I am now quite tired and going to have an early—or, it now being after eleven, at least not overly late—night and get some sleep for a change and be all rested and vibrant tomorrow.
Wednesday 30th November – Up Late
I worked.
Bronwen and I went for a walk along the bike path near Stones Corner, before driving home and eating hot dogs for dinner. I stayed up very, very late working on a website.
Thursday 1st December – Raining
I worked. It was busy.
It rained.
Bronwen stayed at her parents’ place. I stayed up late.
Friday 2nd December – The Lighting of the Christmas Tree
I had a very busy day at work—the project I’m working on went live.
I drove home, and then drove back into the city, parking in the valley and walking into the city where I met Bronwen, and watched the Mayor’s Christmas tree being lit. There was a surprisingly large amount of people out to watch it, though in true crowd-dynamics fashion, they’d all bottlenecked in the mall leading up to the Christmas tree, and it was actually far less busier right in front of the tree, just no one bothered going that far because it seemed as though it’d be too busy there…
After the city, we drove to Halim’s—via Bronwen’s parents’ to argue about phone plans—where we had a lovely curry, and ate far too much.
I had an early (or at least, before midnight) night for a change.