Monday 7 December – Govinda’s & Kurbaan
Bronwen and I walked into the city, had dinner at Govinda’s, and watched Kurbaan at the Regent. It was, as usual, far better than anything Hollywood could do, and surprisingly balanced for a “goodies versus baddies” movie—especially one based around terrorism. A few tears in the sad spots too.
Late Night
I got petrol, got some alerts from work, and a call from a monitoring centre experiencing some issues.
Tuesday 8 December
I walked in to the city and met Bronwen on her way back from climbing, then got pizza for dinner, then drove out to Bronwen’s place, then foolishly started messing with my server, which had not worked properly since I changed the router, which then broke my network connection to the server, resulting in me staying up late using an on-screen keyboard in the dark, dusty, hot and dirty tunnel in the garage where the server hides, eventually restoring network connectivity to the virtual machines, but not getting my SSTP VPN’s working.
Wednesday 9 December
I got my VPN home working.
I picked up Bronwen from her user group thing, and we drove to Hungry Jack’s for dinner.
Thursday 10 December
I drove over to Maz’s, dropping off some screen protectors for his phone and installing Windows 7 on the old IBM T30 laptop I have here. It’s probably a terrible idea, it had XP on it and was running stably and fine, now it has Windows 7 and has problems and has BSOD several times.
Friday 11 December
I worked, unsurprisingly.