Saturday Eighth September
Santos GLNG City of Lights
Bronwen and I drove to Francy’s Patisserie in Rosalie, for my weekend usual veggie pasty.
Bronwen and I went to South Bank and watched the opening of the Brisbane Festival, saw many, many lanterns, and this year’s inaugural Santos GLNG City of Lights light and laser display. It was much better than last year, but also very busy.
After the laser and light show we drove to King Ahiram Lebanese Food in West End and had what is, apparently, Brisbane’s best Lebanese Roll.
Sunday Ninth September
Lake Kurwongbah
Bronwen and I drove to Francy’s Patisserie, where I met Maz and had my usual veggie pasty for breakfast. Then, confusingly, we went to the Burrito Bar where I ate some dessert I’d bought earlier from the patisserie, while Maz had some tacos.
After our breakfast/lunch, we drove to Maz’s, and then up to Lake Kurwongbah.
We stopped in at the Burrito Bar for dinner on the way home for dinner, and then drove to Maz’s.
Monday Tenth September
Back at work. Niall and Cat are away for the week.
I thought it didn’t look too hot outside, so I walked to Govinda’s. By the time I got there, I was just at the boiling point—if I didn’t sit and rest, I’d break out in sweat. Horrifically, Govinda’s was closed for “spring cleaning”, so I had to keep walking. Not only that, but I couldn’t find anywhere else to eat, so I had to buy an extremely overpriced and rather average veggie pasty and sat in the park to cool down.
Bronwen and I walked up Mount Gravatt, and then drove to Woolworths, before watching Top Gear and eating pasta.
Tuesday Eleventh September
Pizza and Laser Lights
I drove to work, and worked. They have all but closed the road while they pour concrete and lay a pipe under it—there were six concrete trucks in the road when I got to work, and half the road had a four foot deep ditch dug through it. I had to turn around through traffic, execute an illegal u-turn at the lights, and drive up a fake no-through road to get to work—and even then, there was only one available car park.
Looking on the bright side though, Govinda’s was open when I went there for lunch.
Bronwen had a job interview in the afternoon, and then went climbing—so when I got home, there was no one there to make me yummy things or take my shoes off. Fortunately, I figured out how to take my own shoes off, and ordered pizza and rushed into South Bank with it to watch the Santos GLNG City of Lights. As I was running stupidly late, I parked in the first car park I came across—which was many, many footsteps from South Bank—and carried, with great difficulty, two boxes of pizza, a garlic bread, a bottle of soft drink, my camera, my camera bag, and my tripod. Sadly, this did not leave enough free appendages to operate my phone, so I arrived at South Bank hot and angry—which was ironic, as the pizza was now starting to get cold. The light show had just started when I got there, but I eventually found Bronwen and we sat and watched the lights, ate our pizza, and all was well.
After dinner, I dropped Bronwen off at her bike in the city.
Wednesday Twelfth September
Tacos but no Chips
I had a busy, but uneventful, day.
I drove to the Burrito Bar in Rosalie, via Bronwen’s parents’ place to get Bronwen. They managed to, in what’s becoming a bit of a habit, screw up my order—I got my tacos, but never my chips. Still, this is a slight improvement on last time, when I got my chips, but didn’t get my tacos.
Amusingly, just as we were leaving we met Maz and Chris, who had rushed to Halim’s only to find it closed, and then on to the Burrito Bar, only to find it also closed. As I needed to give Maz back his tripod, this was quite handy.
Thursday Thirteenth September
Yet another busy day at work, with Govinda’s for lunch. This is becoming repetitive.
I had a relaxing night at home, apart from a ferocious shower spider trying to kill me.
Friday Fourteenth September
In what has been a dramatic start to the day, I got to work to find everyone talking about Phoebe. From what I can gather, she had an accident while riding her pushbike to work, and called Matt—presumably the first person, or most recent call, in her phone. Matt—who isn’t in until midday today—called work, and the boss and Lachlan went for a walk and found Phoebe. She didn’t remember the accident, or calling anyone, so was rather surprised when they turned up. Greg then drove the boss’s car to the accident, and then to hospital, and arrived back at work just after I got here. The boss is still at hospital, and that’s all we know so far.
The rest of the day progressed hour by hour, minute by minute, with the utmost precision and only the slightest astronomical wobble.