Alphabet Game — Ned Martin’s Amused
Alphabet Game
The Alphabet Game is a car game played to amuse travellers on long car rides. Two or more players can compete. The basic rules are:
- Each player attempts to find the letters of the alphabet, in order, on road signs or nearby buildings.
- When a player spots the letter, they must call out the letter and the word that starts with it, such as “B in Bingo!”
- Only one player can use a letter found on a sign, but other players may use other letters on that same sign. (A variation to this is: once a letter has been found on a sign, no player may use that sign for any other letters.)
- Letters on movable vehicles (e.g. trucks or license plates) cannot be used.
- If the driver is playing, signs cannot be used once they have been passed for safety reasons.
- The first player to find all the letters of the alphabet is the winner.