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Year View| Summary| Highlights| Month View| Wednesday 23 July 2008 (Day View) – I am hit by a truck & write off my car in a bad car accident.

23.07.2008Wednesday 23 July – Car Accident

I drove Grace and Stella to Uber in West End, via getting myself a milkshake. I spent a few minutes in Uber, before driving home. Unfortunately, just a few blocks from where I parked, I had an accident with a truck. I don’t recall the specifics. The first thing I remember is my car being pulled away from the truck. I gather that it had taken half an hour to get to that stage. It then felt like another 5 minutes while I was cut from my car, but it was apparently another half an hour. I was irrationally worried about not having my phone, and kept asking the emergency personnel if they could find it. I managed to find my wallet and remember Bronwen’s phone number, which I repeated to myself in the ambulance to the PA hospital.
  Once at hospital, I was scanned several different ways, drank and injected with various radioactive isotopes and dyes, x-rayed, ultrasounded, CT and CAT scanned, and eventually declared mostly ok other than a few fractured ribs. My right shoulder is also very sore but they can’t find anything wrong with it and are putting it down to internal bruising. I was put in a ward and slept fitfully until the morphine wore off, after which it became too painful.

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