Monday 23rd November – Storms
It was hot. I spent the day at home.
There were storms. Annoyingly, I couldn’t think of anywhere good to view them from. Maz, however, got to see (and photograph) some spectacular lightning.
Tuesday 24th November – Burrito Bar
The Hedge
The mystery of the letters left on the hedge has been solved—postie left a postcard complaining she can’t reach the mailbox because the hedge is too wide.
After expecting to get started on a job yesterday, I got the go-ahead mid-morning today. Obviously, the deadline hasn’t been shifted—I just have to work harder—so work hard I did.
Bronwen and I drove in to Rosalie, where we met Maz, and had dinner at the Burrito Bar. We used to eat there regularly but stopped going quite some time ago now, after they changed their menu, took away all the delicious things, and were consistently sub-par. However, now that they’ve had a revamp and we can’t go to Beach Burrito anymore, we figured we’d give them a try.
Just after we arrived around thirty or so motorbike riders arrived, which probably wasn’t the ideal circumstance under which to test them out, and needless to say, they failed dismally. My nachos turned up—chips, with a spattering of tomato on top. That was it. None of the things that the menu glowingly espoused were to be found. Then, to make it worse, after I complained to the waitress, she said that house nachos didn’t have any of the yummy things on them and that I must have been mistaken, and I had to get a menu and show it to her, at which point she took my nachos away, and they came back with some of the yummy things on them—though still not all.
Maz’s taco wasn’t much better—a pile of gloop inside a taco. However, my fries were quite delicious.
After learning that Burrito Bar is just as bad as ever, we went to Cold Rock, and then drove to Bronwen’s parents’ place to pick up some vegetables because they’re away.
Wednesday 25th November – The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2
I worked from home all day, trying to finish off a job by midday—though by six o’clock I had to give up and drive into town to go to a movie.
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2
Bronwen and I went and saw “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2” at Southbank Cineplex. Had it not been split into two, it might have been a good movie—but as it was, it was barely average.
After the movie (during which I had a vanilla choc top) we drove to West End, and had curry from the cheap Indian place.
Thursday 26th November – Bronwen’s Reindeer Antlers
I worked from home.
Bronwen arrived home with Christmas antlers and chocolates she’d won at QUEST.
Friday 27th November – Lord Mayor’s Christmas Tree
I worked from home.
I drove into town thinking I’d have a look at the lighting of the Lord Mayor’s Christmas Tree, but I greatly underestimated the popularity of it—there was no parking anywhere and traffic was awful, so by the time I’d parked up at The Barracks and walked into town to meet Bronwen, the tree was lit and all the annoying children were on their way home again.
We bought sushi for dinner. I then stayed up late, eventually ordering a Galaxy Note 4 (N910G—Snapdragon variant) from eGlobal for $586 (plus $36.72 postage and an $8 discount for a total of $614.72).
Saturday 28th November – Sizzler & Maz’s Air-conditioning
Bronwen and I went to Toowong Sizzler for lunch, then drove to Maz’s place after where Bronwen put together Maz’s new chair while I helped Maz build a frame for his new air conditioner.
Sunday 29th November – Rats & Maz’s Air-conditioning
Bronwen and I drove to a nearby rat fancier’s show, where we had a look at some rats, and then over to Maz’s place to help him install his air conditioner. We had planned to head to the Laura Street Festival afterwards, but just as we went to leave Maz’s place, it began to storm heavily. I tried taking some photos of the lightning, but it didn’t work out.
We had chips for dinner.