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INFS1200 – Assignment 1, part 2

Results | Peer Review | ER Diagram | Mapping


Marks distribution

Marks histogram

My Result 10.75 out of 12
Mean 9.217818182
Standard Error 0.160775233
Median 10.1
Mode 10.6
Standard Deviation 2.666155609
Sample Variance 7.108385733
Kurtosis 4.140072965
Skewness -2.214141663
Range 11.6
Minimum 0
Maximum 11.6
Count 275
Confidence Level(95.0%) 0.316511833

Note: Only the ER Diagram and Relationship Mapping are included below. The designed database and its forms are not included.

Peer Review

INFS1200/INFS7900 Semester 2, 2003
Assignment 1 Part 2

Peer/Self Review Report

Group No. ___ 8 _______

Student No. 40529927 ________ Student Name: _ Ned Martin _______________

Peer Assessment for : _ SELF ___________ ___________________________

(Give Student No & Name of the peer; Write SELF for self assessment report):

Note: You are to fill out 3 peer assessment reports, 1 for each of your group members, and 1 self assessment report, for the design you submitted in part 1 of this assignment

1. Does the ER diagram conform to the notation/grammar of the ER model (Y/N) _ Y

If not, identify and explain the error

Correct notation and grammar appears to have been used throughout, however the diagram doesn't strictly read top down and left to right, with some relations being named in such a way as to cause right to left and bottom up reading.



Give 3 Marks for no error. Give 0, 1 or 2 marks otherwise, depending on the error 2 _

2. Are all the concepts given in the original universe of discourse covered in the ER diagram (Y/N) Y _

If not, identify what is missing




- The relationship between route, stops and city has become somewhat polluted and could lead to duplication of stops, and definitely duplication of their city attributes.





Give 3 Marks if there is no missing concept. Give 0, 1 or 2 marks otherwise, depending on the omission _ 1

3. Is there any part of the ER diagram, which is incorrectly representing the universe of discourse (Y/N) _ N

If yes, identify and explain the error

Given the assumptions provided, I will say no, however, in hindsight some of those assumptions may not have been the best assumption in the situation, but I believe they are still technically correct.


Give 4 Marks for no error. Give 0 - 3 marks otherwise, depending on the error _ 3


ER Diagram

ER Diagram

Relation Mapping

First Normal Form


WORKER [ BTWN , Name, Address, Date_Of_Birth, Phone, Transport_Ministry_Office_State]

INSPECTOR [ BTWN , Inspector_No., Section_Name, Name, Address, Date_Of_Birth, Phone,]

STATUS_REPORT [ Date, Transport_Ministry_Office_State, Bus_Registration_Number, Inspector_Number]

BUS_COMPANY [ ABN , Name, Head_Office_Address, Phone, Fax, Email, Website_URL,]

COMPANY_PHONE [ Number, Company_ABN , Dept]

COMPANY_FAX [ Number, Company_ABN , Dept]

COMPANY_EMAIL [ Address, Company_ABN , Dept]

BRANCH [ Company_Internal_No. , Manager_Name, Address, Telephone_No., Fax_No., Email_Address, Company_ABN]

BRANCH_PHONE [ Number, Branch_Number , Person]

BRANCH_FAX [ Number, Branch_Number , Person]

BRANCH_EMAIL [ Address, Branch_Number , Person]

DRIVER [ BTWN , Name, Address, Date_Of_Birth, Phone, Licence_No., Company_ABN]

PERMANENT_ ASSISTANT [ BTWN , Name, Address, Date_Of_Birth, Phone, State_Of_Birth, Company_ABN,]

CONTRACT_ ASSISTANT [ BTWN , Name, Address, Date_Of_Birth, Phone, Salary, Last_Employment, Company_ABN]

LICENCE [ Licence_No. , Type, Date_Of_Expiry, Issuing_Officer, Driver_BTWN]

BUS [ Registration_No. , Roadworthy_Date, Type, Model_Make, Seating_Capacity, Weight, Driver_BTWN, Permanent_Assistant_BTWN, Contract_Assistant_BTWN, Inspector_Number, Company_ABN]

ROUTE [ Route_Number , Date_of_Approval, Date_of_Introduction, Origin, Destination, Start_Time, Distance, Begin_City_Postcode, End_City_Postcode, Bus_Registration_Number]

CITY [ Post_Code , Name]

BUS_STOP [ Stop_No. , City_Post_Code, Route_Number]

DEPOT [ Depot_No. , Address, Phone, Bus_Registration_Number]

ROUTE_APPROVAL [ Route_Number, Company_ABN ]

SUBCONTRACTS [ Assistant_BTWN, Company_ABN]

Second Normal Form

Candidate Key: State 

WORKER [ BTWN , Name, Address, Date_Of_Birth, Phone, Transport_Ministry_Office_State]
Candidate Key: BTWN, Transport_Ministry_Office_State

INSPECTOR [ BTWN , Inspector_No., Section_Name, Name, Address, Date_Of_Birth, Phone,]
Candidate Key: BTWN, Inspector No.

Decompose to: 

INSPECTOR_SECTION [Inspector_No., Section_Name]

STATUS_REPORT [ Date, Transport_Ministry_Office_State, Bus_Registration_Number, Inspector_Number]
Candidate Key: Date, Transport_Ministry_Office_State

BUS_COMPANY [ ABN , Name, Head_Office_Address, Phone, Fax, Email, Website_URL,]
Candidate Key: ABN

COMPANY_PHONE [ Number, Company_ABN , Dept]
Candidate Key: Number, Company_ABN

COMPANY_FAX [ Number, Company_ABN , Dept]
Candidate Key: Number, Company_ABN

COMPANY_EMAIL [ Address, Company_ABN , Dept]
Candidate Key: Address, Company_ABN

BRANCH [ Company_Internal_No. , Manager_Name, Address, Telephone_No., Fax_No., Email_Address, Company_ABN]
Candidate Key: Company_Internal_No., Company_ABN

BRANCH_PHONE [ Number, Branch_Number , Person]
Candidate Key: Number, Branch_Number

BRANCH_FAX [ Number, Branch_Number , Person]
Candidate Key: Number, Branch_Number

BRANCH_EMAIL [ Address, Branch_Number , Person]
Candidate Key: Address, Branch_Number

DRIVER [ BTWN , Name, Address, Date_Of_Birth, Phone, Licence_No., Company_ABN]
Candidate Key: BTWN, Company_ABN

PERMANENT_ ASSISTANT [ BTWN , Name, Address, Date_Of_Birth, Phone, State_Of_Birth, Company_ABN,]
Candidate Key: BTWN, Company_ABN

CONTRACT_ ASSISTANT [ BTWN , Name, Address, Date_Of_Birth, Phone, Salary, Last_Employment, Company_ABN]
Candidate Key: BTWN, Company_ABN

LICENCE [ Licence_No. , Type, Date_Of_Expiry, Issuing_Officer, Driver_BTWN]
Candidate Key: Licence_No., Driver_BTWN

BUS [ Registration_No. , Roadworthy_Date, Type, Model_Make, Seating_Capacity, Weight, Driver_BTWN, Permanent_Assistant_BTWN, Contract_Assistant_BTWN, Inspector_Number, Company_ABN]
Candidate Key: Registration_No., Company_ABN

ROUTE [ Route_Number , Date_of_Approval, Date_of_Introduction, Origin, Destination, Start_Time, Distance, Begin_City_Postcode, End_City_Postcode, Bus_Registration_Number]
Candidate Key: Route Number, Bus_Registration_Number

CITY [ Post_Code , Name ]
Candidate Key: Post_Code

BUS_STOP [ Stop_No. , City_Post_Code, Route_Number]
Candidate Key: Stop_No., Route_Number

DEPOT [ Depot_No. , Address, Phone, Bus_Registration_Number]
Candidate Key: Depot_No., Bus_Registration_Number

ROUTE_APPROVAL [ Route_Number, Company_ABN ]
Candidate Key: Route_Number, Company_ABN

SUBCONTRACTS [ Assistant_BTWN, Company_ABN ]
Candidate Key: Assistant_BTWN, Company_ABN

Third Normal Form


WORKER [ BTWN , Name, Address, Date_Of_Birth, Phone, Transport_Ministry_Office_State]

INSPECTOR [ BTWN , Inspector_No., Section_Name, Name, Address, Date_Of_Birth, Phone,]

INSPECTOR_SECTION [Inspector_No., Section_Name]

STATUS_REPORT [ Date, Transport_Ministry_Office_State, Bus_Registration_Number, Inspector_Number]

BUS_COMPANY [ ABN , Name, Head_Office_Address, Phone, Fax, Email, Website_URL,]

COMPANY_PHONE [ Number, Company_ABN , Dept]

COMPANY_FAX [ Number, Company_ABN , Dept]

COMPANY_EMAIL [ Address, Company_ABN , Dept]

BRANCH [ Company_Internal_No. , Manager_Name, Address, Telephone_No., Fax_No., Email_Address, Company_ABN]

BRANCH_PHONE [ Number, Branch_Number , Person]

BRANCH_FAX [ Number, Branch_Number , Person]

BRANCH_EMAIL [ Address, Branch_Number , Person]

DRIVER [ BTWN , Name, Address, Date_Of_Birth, Phone, Licence_No., Company_ABN]

PERMANENT_ ASSISTANT [ BTWN , Name, Address, Date_Of_Birth, Phone, State_Of_Birth, Company_ABN,]

CONTRACT_ ASSISTANT [ BTWN , Name, Address, Date_Of_Birth, Phone, Salary, Last_Employment, Company_ABN]

LICENCE [ Licence_No. , Type, Date_Of_Expiry, Issuing_Officer, Driver_BTWN]

BUS [ Registration_No. , Roadworthy_Date, Type, Model_Make, Seating_Capacity, Weight, Driver_BTWN, Permanent_Assistant_BTWN, Contract_Assistant_BTWN, Inspector_Number, Company_ABN]

ROUTE [ Route_Number , Date_of_Approval, Date_of_Introduction, Origin, Destination, Start_Time, Distance, Begin_City_Postcode, End_City_Postcode, Bus_Registration_Number]

CITY [ Post_Code , Name]

BUS_STOP [ Stop_No. , City_Post_Code, Route_Number]

DEPOT [ Depot_No. , Address, Phone, Bus_Registration_Number]

ROUTE_APPROVAL [ Route_Number, Company_ABN ]

SUBCONTRACTS [ Assistant_BTWN, Company_ABN ]

