A Case in Communism: The Super Mario Story




Super Mario Brothers image

To anyone raised in the 80’s, few names have such impact as the Super Mario Brothers do. We played their video games, watched their cartoon show, read their newsletter, bought their merchandise, ate their breakfast cereal, and even watched the piece of sh*t movie “The Wizard” starring the young, chubby cheeked miscreant Fred Savage because Super Mario Brothers 3 made an appearance.

But aside from the slightly racist stereotyping of Mario and Luigi as food loving, NY fat bodies with ridiculous Italian accents, was there anything really insidious behind the scenes? The staff here at Murderize.com has found something more, something… sinister… lurking behind the moustached countenances of Mario and Luigi. We don’t have enough evidence to prove anything, just a sparse trail of breadcrumbs to follow. And this trail begins with the game that started it all, Super Mario Bros. Beware brainwashed fools, for this stunning expose will change the way you look at your favourite Nintendo hero forever. No longer the innocent Brooklyn plumbers, it now appears Mario and Luigi are nothing more than communist puppets engineered to program, oh so subtly, Marxist ideals into our impressionable minds!

Exhibit A: Mario’s Colour Scheme

If anything can be said about Mario, it is that he seems to wear quite a bit a red. It’s on his name; it’s the colour of his suspenders, his super mushrooms, his flag, even his hat. But maybe this is all just a string of coincidences. Maybe the colour red being all over Mario and his games means nothing. After all, he’s not entirely red - his hair, shirt and shoes aren’t…

Mario standing beside flower pot

Or are they?

Mario standing on brick

Is this just a random occurrence by the Nintendo programmers, or was red selected intentionally and with purpose?

Exhibit B: The People’s Hero

The inhabitants of the Mushroom Kingdom are portrayed by Nintendo as slow-witted, poorly coordinated beasts of burden. Even Toad, who oddly enough gets captured in every world, seems only able to repeat a singular phrase. While Mario is supposedly fighting against a tyrannical Despot, we can see how expendable the people become when they hinder Mario’s bloodthirsty pursuit for power.

Exhibit C: King Koopa

While Mario’s quest to save the princess seems genuine enough, we find ourselves easily distracted from the real result of this adventure- the deposition of the current monarchy. Few notice the significance of the villain of this game, King Koopa, being an actual king.

King Koopa showing crown

While Mario is smashing and stomping his way across the Mushroom Kingdom, a popular government is being overthrown! Does this not bring our minds to the Russian Revolution, where the entire Royal family was deposed and executed by communists? Is the portrayal of kings as vile reptiles not an important message? One wonders what will become of the Princess he is attempting to “rescue” once Red Mario seizes power himself…

Exhibit D: Mario’s Flag Switching

At the end of each level, Mario must remove a flag and raise his own. As with every other duplicit facet of this game, nothing seems wrong here. But upon closer inspection the flags involved show exactly where Mario’s loyalties lie:

Mario standing at bottom of flagpole Close-up of flag

Hmm, a flag with the peace symbol on it. Your militant dictatorship can’t have that, now can it Mario?

Mario climbing flagpole

Once the castle is seized and the resident leader sacked (and thrown into a lake of fire), we see no more clearly what Mario’s intentions are, than when he raises his own flag of victory.

What’s that flying high over the ramparts? The Peace symbol of the Mushroom Kingdom? The Stars and Stripes? The Olive Branches of the United Nations? No, we can see quite clearly it’s the Star of Russia. Go check for yourself, these pictures are not faked.

Castle showing flag

Exhibit E: Mario’s Family Resemblance?

Video game heroes are traditionally people we would like to emulate. Sonic the Hedgehog is fast and quick-witted. The Contra commandos are total badasses, even if they die in one hit. And Link wields a cool sword and has a harem of hot fairy bitches waiting off of him. What kid worth his legos wouldn’t want to be any of these fine role models? Why then, as their flagship hero, does Nintendo choose an overweight, big-nosed plumber with an ungainly moustache and ridiculous suspenders? Why was this, the most unlikely heroic figure, chosen? Unusual yes… but deliberate? Looking at the evidence in light of this new Communist hidden agenda, the answer for this mystery is obvious. Mario, and his short-lived brother, are none other than cartoon representations of Joseph Stalin. Stalin was Russia’s amicus humani, amor patriae or communist super man. So could this “super” Mario represent another “super” man? Well, that is for you to decide.

Mario Stalin

Based on the evidence, a sinister new picture emerges about our cherished childhood hero. What follows is a dramatization, based on what we believe is really going on in Super Mario Bros.

A Case in Communism: The Super Mario Story

One peaceful day in the Mushroom Kingdom…

Mario, dialogue with turtle

Mario, dialogue with turtle

Mario with a flower, dialogue with turtle

Will Mario be stopped?

Mario, dialogue with mushroom

Mario walking

Mario jumping between blocks

Will Mario’s brain smashing, gold stealing ways ever end? Find out what King Koopa has to say…

Mario talking to King Koopa

Mario kicking King Koopa into lava

Stalin saying 'I don't think so Mr Koopa!'

Don’t miss the horrific conclusion!

Mario with Princess Peach

Mario end screen


Original story from http://www.murderize.com/Articles/CommunistMario/

Super Mario Bros. and all character names are copyrights of Nintendo Co. Ltd.

And for your further viewing pleasure, don’t forget to watch The People’s Mario.

See also: An Irish daughter had not been to her parent's house for over five years… (Irish Daughter)

+ There are 83 comments on this page.- There are 83 comments on this page.

kingnothing - Sunday 23 November 2003, 3:04 AM
Genius. Pure genius. Those Mario Brothers scum always made me wonder. Now I know. And knowing is half the battle!
/-\|2| - Tuesday 2 December 2003, 1:23 AM
Hahahaha.. That was great!
Exodus - Tuesday 2 December 2003, 4:30 AM
I always knew they were up to something! Finally! My college thesis! I will give credit where it is due of course =)
GreatSasuke - Tuesday 2 December 2003, 5:28 AM
Your saying that Italians are not over weight and wear mustaches? Mario isn't even a Russian name, so how could he be a communist?
Dooz - Tuesday 9 December 2003, 10:32 PM
That was great... you always gotta wonder about those stupid dudes what they are planing God only knows what they do to the prinncess
DemonKyoto - Saturday 13 December 2003, 1:43 AM
I knew that little bastard had something up his sleeve, >.>
someguy - Wednesday 7 January 2004, 2:08 AM
You fools.....i am a communist and you must bow to the supreme czar...he will rule all! surrender you american morons!
Sephyr - Monday 19 January 2004, 5:49 AM
This is a joke right? ... The flag symbol is a skull.. not a peace symbol thats whyt he bottom is uneven.. its a cortoony skull.. and the star is just a star!
Bling - Saturday 31 January 2004, 2:45 AM
Too believable. Almost scarey.
CHRIS L - Tuesday 3 February 2004, 11:16 AM
Mango - Saturday 14 February 2004, 9:18 PM
This was just plain stupid and pointless. Nintendo is a Japanese company, what does Russian Communism have ANYTHING to do with them?
El Reed - Thursday 26 February 2004, 8:17 PM
dear sweet innocent mango, it is people like you that make life worth living, now hum the tetris theme with me my brothers! da de da de da da da dah dah etc.
Charles Hatcher - Sunday 7 March 2004, 4:58 AM
Way to stereotype communism.
Marxistk - Sunday 7 March 2004, 6:24 AM
I don't appreciate the comparisons of Communisms to a maniacal dictatorship. Obviously whover wrote this is a capitalist pig, and knows not the glory of Marxism
Jonesy - Friday 19 March 2004, 4:00 AM
<Comment removed>: Perhaps this poster is a moron and too stupid to read.
Sparky - Saturday 20 March 2004, 1:39 AM
Genius. I now know the truth! i will not be silenced!
Teej - Sunday 21 March 2004, 4:43 AM
wow. These dudes from www.kr0.thebmp.org gave me this link when i told them i was doing a report on communism. This is great stuffs. and it makes you think.....
Mattrixx - Wednesday 24 March 2004, 8:11 AM
Must resist Mario... Must not give in to incidous subliminal conversions. I... cannot... resist... must... join...
mkydude - Saturday 27 March 2004, 6:04 PM
yeah, communism rule.
swl - Monday 29 March 2004, 3:31 AM
great but the communists did not kick out the king. The king resigned after pressure from the democratic councils. Then the communists kicked out the councils.
Ned - Monday 29 March 2004, 11:06 AM
Interesting how everyone seems to think that “Communist” means “Russian”.
StealthyThug - Saturday 3 April 2004, 12:52 PM
China, N. Korea, Vietnam, Albania... Russia is not the only country that WAS communist.
Paige - Wednesday 14 April 2004, 12:39 AM
Interesting. Funny. Amusing. Fictional. I hope that no one really thinks this page is true. I commend the writer of this page, however, on their creativity.
voodoochild - Friday 16 April 2004, 2:05 AM
Although I would LIKE to belive the most entertaining contents of this page, the only real evidence is the lowering of the "peace sign" which is in fact a skull
evilcarlita - Sunday 18 April 2004, 1:11 AM
someguy... you're an idiot. The communists in Russie were against the czars. This is really funny, though. Just remember that Socialism=good.
tiny dancer - Sunday 18 April 2004, 1:33 AM
muchly agreed evilcarlita
riddim - Sunday 18 April 2004, 9:10 PM
this is funny sh*t even if it does misrepresent and stereotype... good work
Elizabita - Monday 19 April 2004, 1:42 PM
I compliment the authour on his fiction but would like to remind him this is just a game. (p.s. nothing wrong with communists, I am one)
Desired_Jypsie - Tuesday 20 April 2004, 4:15 AM
This is the stupidest thing I have ever seen! Everyone knows that a "peace symbol" has 3 stems, that in deed is a skull! Don't be so naive!
Ned - Tuesday 20 April 2004, 6:30 AM
A “peace symbol” has three “stems”...?
Haeted - Wednesday 21 April 2004, 5:39 PM
Ah it seems as if you have been exposed, communist pig-dog!
ReadingDumbSites - Wednesday 21 April 2004, 8:06 PM
Wow, is this some kind of joke? All of your points can be countered with logic. What next? A website accusing coca-cola of being comunist due to the red?
Ned - Wednesday 21 April 2004, 8:39 PM
“Wow, is this some kind of joke”... err... have a guess why the site is called “Amused”...
Chuckles - Wednesday 21 April 2004, 11:41 PM
Whoever is angry because they believe this is an idiot. Good work though, this is the funniest thing I have read this year.
C.Damodred - Friday 23 April 2004, 2:15 AM
How can you people get angry at this? Whether it really is/isn't what they say, its funny sh*t. you really cant get mad at it, its really funny stuffs.
soiled effigy - Sunday 25 April 2004, 11:15 PM
Incredibly hilarious. I am surprised that so many people took it seriously though. Good work, this site is awesome.
hottness - Tuesday 4 May 2004, 10:58 PM
Pretty funny stuff. Anyone who is a communist should be slapped with a wet fish
thissitepwnsj00 - Friday 7 May 2004, 3:38 AM
way to read the whole page, 'readingdumbsites', from your comment, you obviously only read the first passage about the color red
Kraftwerk - Tuesday 11 May 2004, 12:02 AM
excellent...btw, I can't believe there are people who take this page -seriously-..either my sarcasm detector is broken or education has FAILED in some countries
jointm1k - Tuesday 11 May 2004, 5:25 AM
Rolfmao! Funniest stuff I have read for quite a while. I am telling all my friends :)
JointWing - Tuesday 11 May 2004, 6:20 PM
lmao like some1 had 2 much free time .. go play the game .. and stop writing this crap .. funny crap tho :P
Colagusano - Tuesday 11 May 2004, 11:24 PM
OK Mario is communist, so what?. People must learn not to be so intolerant to others just because they believe in other things (like true comunism)
Colagusano - Tuesday 11 May 2004, 11:27 PM
AND that is a skull, there are 3 pixels at the bottom of the "circle" whereas there are 5 at the top. Thus it cannot be a peace symbol
Kristof - Wednesday 12 May 2004, 8:35 PM
This is awesome. I know love Mario even more than before, and hope Stalin is rolling in his grave... or special place in hell, wherever he may be.
ozkneeyum - Sunday 16 May 2004, 1:12 AM
i heart this story w/ all my play dough
ATO - Thursday 20 May 2004, 1:58 PM
Maybe they should rename the game "Super Marxio Bro's". Hahah :P
HA HA HA AHAHAHA - Saturday 22 May 2004, 1:05 AM
i get marxis brothers....lololololollolol…
Boris - Saturday 22 May 2004, 4:28 PM
Also, fellow Nintendo flag-ship game Tetris was made in the Soviet Union. Thats a well known fact! Hmm, I a well spotted conspiracy! Lol ;)
Ryan - Sunday 23 May 2004, 1:22 AM
Very funny and believable article.
Hermes - Monday 24 May 2004, 1:43 PM
SO TRUE!!!! I have been analyzing this for years, finally someone publishes it! Thank You!
correction - Friday 4 June 2004, 9:24 AM
ok.. you people dont look close enough.. the flag isnt a skull.. geez.. its a mushroom, the mario symbol... sorry. being a mario fanatic i had to correct you..
BeRnZ - Sunday 13 June 2004, 9:39 PM
Haha. Made me laugh! Great joke lads....
Inaccuracy - Tuesday 15 June 2004, 6:55 PM
Didn't the people WANT the communists in Russia, didn't they hate the Czar and want some food???
Soda Popinski - Friday 2 July 2004, 2:54 AM
You Stupid Americans. Of course Mario is communist propaganda. So are the Smurfs
linking chain - Saturday 14 August 2004, 1:51 PM
Viva le communisim! :-)
Plob - Saturday 14 August 2004, 3:34 PM
Haha, top marx
emlesperm - Saturday 21 August 2004, 8:10 PM
i always knew there was something suspicious about mario...
Ganjiman - Wednesday 25 August 2004, 3:21 PM
Haha, i cant believe i never realised before. damn my stupidity!
nonsequitur2006 - Saturday 9 October 2004, 9:33 PM
this is hilarious. i wouldn't be surprised if they were handing out copies of the game in russia right now...hahahaha.jk.awxome.
Federico - Wednesday 27 October 2004, 9:51 AM
Madonna che stronzata!!! Ma ci state svegli la notte... Fatevi meno pippe e giocate di piu'.
Somebody - Saturday 26 March 2005, 2:47 AM
Total BS. Mario taking down a peace symbol? THAT'S A FREAKING SKULL! Whoever made this has WAY too much time on their hands.
sam - Thursday 14 April 2005, 9:21 AM
this website is great
kelso - Friday 27 May 2005, 1:52 PM
enV - Wednesday 14 September 2005, 11:02 PM
This is super ! :D
politic scientis - Monday 16 January 2006, 5:29 PM
this is crap, it looks that no one knows what is comunism -or any history review-, its a shame that this page try to play with foolish "impressionable" minds
Ned - Tuesday 17 January 2006, 4:07 AM
Play? Nay—mould and exploit.
sef - Tuesday 17 January 2006, 4:08 AM
Downloading das-kapital.txt from some slovakian anarchy site doesn't make you informed about such matters, it makes you a kob. Love, a real political scientist
Tony - Saturday 29 July 2006, 7:52 PM
i dont know what youve been smoking to be this paranoid, but the color red is used in everything, even in american flag, does that mean americas russian?
Draconian - Tuesday 13 February 2007, 7:35 PM
Hmm... interesting. I always played super mario bros., now I know why I am so communist.
Thequestionis - Tuesday 6 March 2007, 6:52 AM
All the non-communist people who played this game, are they communist now? If yes, maybe it is a propaganda or if not, well, this is a game!
The question is - Tuesday 6 March 2007, 6:55 AM
Also, for a 8-bit game, there are not a lot of color invalaible. For the flower, my opinion it'is a spicy one so Mario splitts fire hahaha jk!
electronic - Thursday 17 May 2007, 11:54 AM
hmm... some people seem to be unable to understand humor. it makes this so much funnier.
question it all - Saturday 6 October 2007, 2:04 AM
what about the mario movie in which a plane flies between the two twin towers while they are on fire!!! and u still say mario isnt communist?
Daniel9999999 - Tuesday 12 February 2008, 9:41 PM
A High Number of coincidences, it's very funny LOL
Stalin - Saturday 16 February 2008, 7:22 PM
www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/307402 The peoples mario !
Myles - Thursday 21 August 2008, 11:14 PM
The eye sees what it chooses to see
AAARIEEEL!!! - Saturday 20 June 2009, 4:28 AM
LOL, it's amusing how usually amercians think of communism as an evil soul-sucking regime, which is the product of their OWN propaganda
cheat-master30 - Monday 16 November 2009, 8:13 AM
Sorry if this is seen as spamming, but I wrote a counter article to this (see next comment). As did a site called Nintenzone.
cheat-master30 - Monday 16 November 2009, 8:13 AM
dsultimate.net/Board/upload/blog.php?b=1218 there's the link.
pinkomenace@gmai - Monday 30 November 2009, 8:53 PM
Dude, nice - would it be cool if I referenced this article (and possibly used some pics) on my site - pinkomenace.com? I'll give you credit of course.
Nemo - Monday 8 March 2010, 3:26 PM
Actually the regimes toppled by communist were always impopular and autoritharian; the Tsars being the mayor example.
Oh dear..... - Tuesday 23 March 2010, 9:08 PM
Your idiocy and fear of communism seeks to amaze me... Why Americans scared of communism??? And guys, it just a flipping old kids game! Jeez!
Anonymous - Monday 16 August 2010, 12:21 PM
It was entertaining stuff until the comic. That one was really naive and didn't excactly point out a lot of facts about communism at all.
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