A collection of emoticons from various forums around the net. Not very amusing.

But I think it's funny.

Magnus Brading Software
smile biggrin tounge sad down mad nod no rock2 shocked idea31 devil devil2 wink glare cry blush3 oh laugh eyebrow love cool2 sleep2 buttrock bowdown exclamation2


Myacen Webhosting
angry bawling biggrin confused cool cry devious eek frown mad puke redface rolleyes smash smile smokin tongue wink yawn


Liquid Ninjas
new_321 new_2gunsfiring_v1 new_angel new_alien new_borgsmile llkiss biggrin1 sdb beerchug willempie lechz ak kwijl fish2 camper new_Eyecrazy boldblue new_Llol pbsmile partytime ppface pirate1 redhair rainbow-010 rotwerd rodent saburn sabber2 new_color_ smkiss biggrin krach blauwoog cannabis sint new_bdaysmile new_butterfly BUNNY clown koffie aazcold catsmiley devil3 evilgrinblack chicken chef new_all_coholic new_cussing new_rainbow new_snipersmilie dj new_smileyb kater2 plop fuckyou saeek 2ar15smilie bdaysmile bdaybiggrin pinklove2-010 barf bgkopf bdayfrown shakin ak472 ummenie awm2 baby2 bdaywink salookl salookr munky luvlove smheart star2 spin3 luvkiss pimpflash couto butterfly pinkietoo mad-010 pfiade pirat2 flash fro globwhore humpty newdevil partysmiley pinklove ballet balloons bandit mgwhore bats bdaysmile-010 bear bounce0 flipa blackbat piparty sig biggrin(1) tiger luxlove brosmiley new_smilie_colors1 saevil new_rotcol saroll koud pissed biggringift blossom bgbad beatnik fish tongue3 fal buck lovelove phone gunny sawink2 thumbsup ak47 boom new_multi ride claps puddytat shotgun krank comeandgetsome tongue1 ticking cool confused(1) confused pfohnmacht luxhello redface redface2 twister 1drink dozey catfly euro evil sasmokin evilgrin1 jigga headshot hase tuut happy(1) schmoll kissa remykiss kitty ladysman schnauz pirat bee mad lookaround saeek2 kater mafiosi mail mini stkate snake new_kodomagnam new_microwave anim-jjd boldlblue boldred bounce bounce2 bounce4 bouncered bouncingstegi burnbg carlydevil getroffen imurevenge laughing llove lmaa love loveya malelovies mdance2 mgwhore2 monkee multi multijump mushy munky2 orangehat-010 party partygirl pinkieone pinklove2 psychomad rotaeye rough rundum sabber3 sacool saevil2 saevilw sagrin sahmm salook2 salook samad sasad sasmile satangrin satemplate sawink satounge scan scream screams skull smile-mad smile-010 smile smlove2 spider star1 star3 stpaddy teufel thefinger_red thefinger ukliam3 upsidedowna vogel vtffani vuur1 xloc xyxgun ylinfant yllove ylusy zwartepiet 2up all boontje anger argue atom balloon bashing basket new_beammeup baer kever crossy bird birthday new_blackey blond bloody 1blue1 brakelamp cheeburga torte cat catmilk cheering cherokee yelclap clown(1) conf urcool-010 cool(1) cooldevil coolmonk copper countdown cowsleep crap crossbones plet cry crying pftroest Up_to_something boid fuckyou(1) dali darkangel darkroom dazzler1 deal devil devil2 azdevil diablotin baddevil devilsmile devil(1) devilfinger fork_off dipsy director dizzy djsi dogrun dog kopfpatsch drink drums drinka dunce new_blowingup eek new_eggface eggy egypt1 elaine elefant elkgrin elvis redface(1) eureka new_evil evild evilgrin2 fifevil evillaugh evillaugh2 evillaugh3 evil_lol evillight farmerjohn fart flackwhore new_ukliam2 flame2 flame flamingdevil angryfire firedevil flamethrower bloem frusty flylicker freak6 french frog frown frown-010 frown2 frown(1) funny fuzz girl globe goodnevil new_gmorning new_bluegrab grommit group nico happy new_birthday hat herz heartface hhheart cat2 hippy knuddel hmh 1luvu new_icecream impactwhore liefde biggrinlove new_infinity ylsurprise smilejap jarswim jinnwink bravo karate kill king king(1) remybussi kiss2 kissy kiss laalaa leapfrog new_let_it_all_out lick1 new_littleangel kloguck love(1) hearts mad(1) madgo metal smexico new_monalisa money pyth ylsuper mrt2 asthanos napoleon naughty nerd new_newbie ninja notgood ohplease ohwe oud new_olympic1 outtahere jpparty biggrinparty pc pc1 user pcangry peace peacesign peepwall pengy pepsi oink oink2 tails pilot bunny2 clown2 pirate pirate2 po poke poke2 new_popcornsmiley popworm present pukeface pukey puke pukey(1) pump punch punk puppy new_puppy_dog_eyes rainfro rainote new_rainfro rand ani_smiles eviltongue repuke redbite redblob dance robber new_rofl a_smil08 rolleyes rudolf rudolph sad clock new_xmas santa santasmile new_scrambles heks scared new_scatter scene smileysex smileysex2 sheep shiny new_shocked shocked sick new_silly singer slayer_smile sleep2 sleep sleephappy slider smartass smash smulley smile(1) smile(2) smoky new_sleeping ddd flake sofa faga1 sperm spin2 new_smile-l new_spiral splat new_squarecycle bigsquaregrin new_squarewink glotz tongue sunny surprised talker tank jaybee znaika new_terminator tinkywinky new_tomato tophat nono turtle twirl uhoh unhappy new_usa plasmawhore rocketwhore shockwhore uzi new_vampv viking vikingsm nopity kuier warrior cat3 juul wink wink(1) lukdot wink3 winner dvvico wolfie wolfgang worshippy a_smil17 gaehn 1syellow1 dance2 new_llying ymca yummie

Not my own work. Image copyright unknown.

See also: Secrets to a Happy Marriage (Happy Marriage)

+ There are 2 comments on this page.- There are 2 comments on this page.

florin - Sunday 4 January 2004, 10:14 PM
super emoticons!
bEN - Monday 2 February 2004, 11:57 PM
gREAT resrouce
Last updated Monday, 31 October 2011
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