Jobb aplication
Good daye,
I can only Type wif one finggar (middelfingar) but can sulve Solitair in 20
seconds in the Profi mode.
I dont´t worry about the telefone because I talk to my frends on it for
about 5 howers a daye.
I´m lookin for a Jobb as a secretairy but it musent be to complicaited.
I ave a small problem from wen I was born (I ave a funnye culor hair), so
you can pai me less if you tink that I am good for the jobb.
Thak you in advancie for yore answer.
Yore best aplicant so farr
BS : Because my resime is a bit short below is a picksure of me taken at my last jobb.
…it’s ok honey, we’ve got spell check!
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