WARNING: The following may contain adult content that is unsuitable for overly sensitive persons with low self-esteem, no sense of humour or irrational religious beliefs. If this is you, complain. Those of you with an overwhelming fear of the unknown will be gratified to learn that there is no hidden message revealed by reading this warning backwards.

Jobb aplication


Good daye,

I can only Type wif one finggar (middelfingar) but can sulve Solitair in 20 seconds in the Profi mode.
I dont´t worry about the telefone because I talk to my frends on it for about 5 howers a daye.

I´m lookin for a Jobb as a secretairy but it musent be to complicaited.
I ave a small problem from wen I was born (I ave a funnye culor hair), so you can pai me less if you tink that I am good for the jobb.

Thak you in advancie for yore answer.

Yore best aplicant so farr


BS : Because my resime is a bit short below is a picksure of me taken at my last jobb.













Image of semi-naked lady posing seductively before a computer


…it’s ok honey, we’ve got spell check!


See also: View all the comments left on this site (Comments)

+ There are 3 comments on this page.- There are 3 comments on this page.

Ned - Friday 13 June 2003, 3:56 PM
(azure): thats an awesome job off (azure): app (azure): what a freudian
timmo - Friday 17 October 2003, 2:24 AM
lol - Tuesday 9 November 2010, 11:10 PM
damn bitch you're hired!!!
Last updated Saturday, 24 March 2012
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